⭐Ash hangs out

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Ash plopped down in a seat of Mallow's family restaurant. "I'm tired." He remarked as Pikachu nodded in agreement. "Maybe you wouldn't be if you chose not to chase after a Pyukumuku until it was in the water." Mallow commented as she set a plate of food down in front of Ash. He looked up at Mallow. "Slow Night?" He asked.

"Yeah, not a lot of people tonight. But at least it gives me more time to watch the Hoenn grand festival. It's a shame it takes place a few days before people in Alola are able to watch it." Mallow replied. "Hoenn grand festival?" Ash asked. "That happened?"

"Ash you ditz, you've been here for almost 5 years, been through every discovered region and forgot about the grand festival that happens every year?" Mallow asked before giving Ash a smack to the back of his head. "Ow! Sorry." Ash said rubbing his head.

"That's what you get. I'm so glad my parents added a TV. Now I can watch the grand festival while I work!" Mallow smiled. "I wish I could participate in contests." "I was in one once." Ash commented. " You did?! Oh, you're so lucky!" Mallow replied.

Mallow sat down next to Ash as the Hoenn Grand Festival started on the TV. The two watched as a brown hair girl and a girl with honey blonde hair shake hands. "Those two are May and Serena. Serena is defending her title of Grand Festival champion." Mallow smiled while she explained it to Ash.

"I know them."
Mallow looked at Ash in shock. "You do?!" "Yeah. Both didn't know what they wanted to do when they left their homes. Serena's mom wanted her to be a Ryhorn racer and May traveled with me through Hoenn." Ash explained. "Serena even kissed me before she left to Hoenn."
"On the cheek doesn't count."
"No, it was on the lips."

Ash gave a small laugh as Mallow stared at him. "You- She- I- You got a kiss from Serena? Have you talked to her since?" Mallow asked.

"No, I haven't."

"YOU HAVEN'T?! WHY?" "I dunno." Ash shrugged. Mallow turned back to the screen.

Serena had out a Delphox and May had out a Blastoise.

"Let's go Delphox, use FireBlast!"
"Quick, Iron Defense!"
Serena's Delphox used FireBlast on May's Blastoise in small intervals, dancing around before blasting the Blastoise from different sides before one giant FireBlast.

"Blastoise, Hyrdropump!"
"Mirror screen Delphox!"
Hydropump collided with the Mirror screen as it shattered into sparkling pieces.
"Alright, now use flamethrower!"
"Blastoise, use Water pulse!"

The two moves collided as the each pokemon put in power.
"You got this Blastoise!" May called out to her pokemon.
"Delphox, fire blast!"
The flame thrower turned into a fire blast, over powering Water Pulse and hitting Blastoise. The water turned into steam as Blastoise fainted.

Mallow squealed a bit in excitement. "I really hope Serena wins." She said to Ash. Ash still stared at the screen. "Her Braxien evolved." "How long have you known Serena?" Mallow asked. "Since we were like 6." Ash answered still watching the grand festival. Serena had switched out her Delphox to her Gardevior and May having out her Blaziken.

"Now, Gardevior use Light Screen!" Ice beam made contact with Light screen turning into pale sparkles.
"Glaceon, use Blizzard!"
"Gardevior, use Psychic!"

As Blizzard fired, Gardevior levitated Glaceon and stopped all of the snowflakes. Glaceon was dropped to the ground as they gently set down the snowflakes.

"Glaceon, use-"

"Time is up folks, Serena has earned more points than May has by the end of the time limit!" Mr Goodshow announced. Serena smiled as she offered her hand for May to shake. "You did great May." May smiled as she shook Serena's hand. "Thank you. You did great as well."

Mallow squealed. "Serena won Ash! That was so cool!" Ash was Astonished. "She got so much better." Ash smiled to himself.

"Customer, I'll be back Ash." Mallow said getting up. Mallow walked over as she saw a boy with green hair. "Hello, what can I get you?" Mallow asked. "Um, table for 3 please? Me and my friends just arrived in Alola." He stated, a bit confused. "Alrighty, right this way." Mallow smiled. "Wait... You're Drew right?" He looked at Mallow a bit surprised. "Yeah, you're the first person to recognize me." Drew laughed. "Are you with May and Serena." Mallow said jokingly.

"Yeah actually, they're looking at some clothing stores." Drew replied. "Wait really? I was just joking." Mallow smiled in shock. "Hey Drew!" May shouted running up to Drew with Serena. "Oh my god, I'm gonna have a heart attack." Mallow said still shocked. "I just saw the Grand festival finals. You guys were amazing." Mallow grinned. "Thank you." Serena smiled placing her hand on the blue ribbon.

"Follow me in, I'll seat you guys." Mallow said leading the group. She lead them to a table by Ash before she gave the group menus. "Just order whenever you're ready." Mallow started. "What would you reccomend?" May asked. "Hm.. I dunno. Hey Ash, what would you reccomend?" Mallow asked as she turned to the trainer.

"Ash?" The 3 contest participants asked. "Yeah Ash, he's my friend and classmate." Mallow explained. "Probably the spicy curry, the one I always get." Ash said going up to Mallow.

"Hey Ash." Serena blushed.
Ash and Serena locked eyes as Drew and May started giggling a bit.


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