Take Me Back - Part 5

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I looked at this scene; it looped over and over again. I've been watching this scene for quite a while already, although the more I looked at it the slower it got. I watched my own death in slow motion. It was surprising, and shocking, I remember the expression of not me, but my killers. It was sad, yet they were quietly happy. While being stabbed I could see them mouthing the words, 'I'm Sorry', and at that moment it felt genuine yet it wasn't. I walked over to them and me. I studied their face, how their eyes were watering, how they were smiling yet frowning, how the light shone against their face.

I asked them, yet I knew they couldn't hear me but I asked them why. Why did they hurt me, what was their reason for killing me, what I did to them in order for them to kill me. You see, I don't like people who hold grudges. Even though you say sorry and they still don't forgive you. In a way I understand yet, I don't as well. This person, they don't know how to forgive and forget.

I stormed into Valerie's room with my wallet in one hand. I slammed her door behind me giving her a fright; she looked at me with a confused face.

"You can't just do that! That isn't a good thing to do Val, stealing is a serious crime! Yes, you may be my best friend but doesn't mean you can just take whatever you want." I told her with a stern expression.

"Wait, K, hold up. What are you talking about?" She asked, but I could see she was lying straight through her teeth.

"Oh, come on Val. You stole money from my wallet. How do I know this? Well because I saw you stealing from my wallet when I had just come out of the shower. So stop lying Val. I caught you." I waited impatiently for her answer. She took a deep breath and stood up.

"Alright, I took your money. But I was in need." Valerie told me in a calm voice. I scoffed with a fake smile.

"For what? Alcohol, you needed $200 for alcohol? Yeah, right. Stop lying already, just tell me the truth. Or better yet, just give me back the money."

"Maybe, it was for my own personal use. What do you need it for anyways?" Valerie raised her eyebrows and crossed her own arms. I was starting to become seriously angry with her.

"It's for my Dad's medical fee. But you're too selfish care." Then Valerie's face softened slightly, but her arms were still firmly crossed. After for what seemed like a whole minute she uncrossed her arms and fumbled around her room. She finally found it in her science textbook. Once she gave it to me I counted the money, but I only found that there was $100 dollars left. My eyes looked at Valerie's own eyes.

"Where is the other $100?" She shrugged, and I felt like I was about to pounce on her and scream at her. But I kept myself composed. "I need the other $100, god damnit Val! Did you spend a whole $100 on alcohol?!" I didn't even wait for her response, I just walked out of room, a wad of cash in one hand and my wallet in the other. I could hear Val come out her room and go after me; she tugged on my shoulder forcing me to face towards her. "What?" I asked her with an annoyed expression.

"I'll pay you back alright? Will that make it better?" She sighed in defeat. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, it would. I would like it by the end of this week. Because I need to pay the medical fee by this Saturday." She nodded; we had stood in front of each other for a while.

"I'm sorry K, I know I'm selfish. I don't know how you've stuck by me for all these years. I'm just glad you didn't abandon me..." At first I didn't smile, but then I slowly did then we both hugged each other tightly, fearing that if we let go. Something might happen.

"I'm sorry as well." We both hugged each other for what seemed like years.

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