Take Me Back - Part 6

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I saw into the lives of the ones I loved, this was 5 years later. 5 years after my death, some had moved on, others. Well, others still haven't moved on, people like Ross and Kimberly. Val had moved on, she made new friends, but it was clear to see that she was still missing me. In all honesty I miss her too, we were basically sisters. We grew up with each other, stuck by one another. Kimberly.... She was making herself miserable. Kimberly never smiled anymore, never went out, partied or did the things she had done before my death. Although she did eat, shower, all the normal things. She never had fun, always staring into empty space when she had free time. And Ross, he never dated another girl. Never went out either, tried to kill himself once.

My mother was diagnosed with depression 2 years after I died. My father left her and went on to a new wife; he and his wife have 1 beautiful child. After a year my mother was then put into a mental institution, died there as well. No one went to her funeral, that wasn't surprising. She didn't treat anyone right, she didn't deserve to have anyone at her funeral. I know it seems cruel, but that's what I think. You can't change my opinion. I felt happy for my father; he had a better wife, a wife who cared for him, who took care for him as well as their own child. I just wish I had that type of mother growing up. I didn't though. Which makes me sad. I then viewed all my happy memories, but now it was time for me to go so I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. The last ever words I said before I left were. "Goodbye".

My eyes looked down to see a knife stuck in my chest, I gasp for a breath as well as looking up to the one that killed me.

My eyes well up with tears as I look at my sister, shock clear on her face. It had taken her a minute before realizing what she had done to me. Tears were streaming down her face, I could make out her saying I'm sorry. I smiled and shook my head before falling onto the wooden floor. Kim stumbled back and ran away leaving me to bleed out. She was long gone when I took my final breath, I shifted my head upwards slightly, the last thing I ever saw was a picture of me and my sister when I was 3 and she was 4. We were dressed up as princesses for Halloween, she and I we both laughing. The last tear fell down my face and I said my last words. "Goodbye."

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