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"Mereeeeee," I hear Justin scream over the loud speaker in the arena.

"What," I screamed back knowing he can't hear me.

"Where are you?”

"You are so annoying," I called at to no one in particular getting up from the sofa in his dressing room and heading to the back office he was in with the speaker.

"Mere," he called out when I walked in. "Where were you?"


"Out with Fredo?"


"Talking with Scooter?"


"Then where?"

"In your dressing room."

"Oh," he said.

"Boy if you don't go get ready," I threatened not even finishing the three before he ran out to go get changed.


The time cane for the prayer before his concert and Justin came over to me holding out his hand. I grabbed it and scooters hand and Justin led us in prayer for the night.

"Good luck Jay," I said kissing him before he headed out on stage. I then made my way over to the empty side where there was nobody but Scooter and Fredo and a few other people of the crew.

As the concert drew on Scooter and I belted out every single word of the song and fans started drawing the attention to us and so just looked over. He walked down I where we are and started to fan girl with us to his own music. .

Fans began to record us as I jumped on Justin's back and he started running on to the stage with Scooter and Fredo in tow.

The song to Never Say Never and I rapped Jaden Smith's part before running off the stage grabbing Scooter and Fredo on the arm in the way down.


Justin and I are now laying in his room on the bus on the way to the next state and he decides to speak up after a few minutes of him playing with my hair that's sprawled out on his chest.

"I didn't know you could sing."

"My mom taught me.  I never really wanted to be a singer though."

"You were really good today, not shy at all."

"Because I was with you."

"Aww," he cooed in my ear.

"Get some sleep Jay. You have an early start tomorrow."

"I'm glad your here to remind me, because I always forget things and your here to remind me. And I don't have to stay up all night wondering if your safe or not."

"Aww," I cooed this time.

Texting Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now