Long Talks

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Justin's on his way home and he said the first stop he's going to make is at his house and he said I better be there when he gets there and he told me that an hour ago so know I'm rushing down to his place, but the traffic was honestly slowing me down.

I'm out side his house now when I seen his car waiting in the drive.

Slowly I open the front door knowing he's going to tell me that he's right that I'm always late.

"Mere is that you?” a voice calls out from up the stairs.

"Yes," I call back up them.

"I'm in the practice room." I make my way up the stairs to his practice room and see him shirtless while sitting on the piano bench in front of his grand white piano.

"Hi gorgeous,” he smiles turning around when he here's me walk in.

"Hey stranger," I smile back leaning up against his side as he looks his one arm around me and pulls me down on his lap for a passionate kiss on the lips.

"How was your week Mere," he asked pulling away from the kiss.

"Long. Do you wanted to go outside?"

"Will you make popcorn?" He asked with puppy eyes.

"Only if you tell me about your week."


"Deal," we said shaking on it.


"So your telling me that I have a façade?" I ask Justin while handing him the popcorn then sitting down next him on his back porch.


"Okay. Then what might that façade be," I reply popping some popcorn in my mouth.

"Baby. I'm not saying that you are the only one with a façade here."

"I know. Just tell me Jay," I stressed out while tipping back and starting up to the lonely stars in the sky.

"You...," He starts to say but stops then stares up at the sky to before Turing to me to start again. " You worry to much, you try so hard to be there for people, for me, and they, we, just don't appreciate how hard you work, but I know...., I know that you want to show people you are this strong hardworking girl who doesn't need a break. But I hear you at night Meredith, I here how you slowly break down at night alone. How you let it all out when no one's there. But I want you to know Meredith you are always there for me, now it's time for me to head the one that there for you."  My head snaps up to him at the mention of my full name. He never used my full name. This us serious Justin.

"Justin. I..."

"No I know Mere.  Just come here." I stand up from my chair and spread myself across his lap as he rubs my back and whispers loving things in my ear. It was finally my turn to share how I felt and what I was going through.

Sorry for the really short chapter. Could I get at least five people to comment if I should continue this book. Thank you guys, I'll see you next week.

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