~ chapter sixteen ~

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Locus and Liz walk into the command room, their shoulders rubbing up against each other. Their hands dangled close together. Every time her fingertips brushed the skin on the back of his hand, she was tempted to wrap her palm around his.

Felix was pacing the room, his hands placed on his hips. The two soldiers immediately separated farther. The orange and grey mercenary snapped his attention to them, "What the hell took you guys so long?"

Liz quickly glanced at Locus in worry. Does he know? She thought as she crinkled her brow. "We have a job to do," Felix snarled impatiently. "We were just going over the mission," Locus narrowed his eyes at his partner.

"And you couldn't do that with me in the room?" Felix crossed his arms with a sassier tone than usual. Locus glared at the mercenary with his signature stone-cold expression. The orange and grey mercenary rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Just be on the Pelican in 10."

Felix picked up his sword from the table in front of him and started to exit the control room. As he left, he hollered over his shoulder, "We got people to kill and money to get! Chop chop!" He snapped twice, and then he was gone.

Liz gulped at his last few words. She walked over to the glowing red map, which now showed the coordinates to the Purge temple. Her hands shook when the mission crossed her mind again. She never had an objective like this. To end millions of innocent lives.

"Are you starting to doubt the mission?" Locus tilted his head, amusement laced in his tone. Liz turned around, putting a hand on her hip with attitude, "Don't act like I'm the only one." The mercenary became enraged at her assumption, "I would never-"

"You would never what?" The girl interrupted with a fake innocence, "Kill millions of innocent lives? Remaining forces? Former partners?" Locus was silent, his eye twitching in annoyance.

Rivers smiled sweetly, "Of course you wouldn't. You're too much of a softie." Locus stormed up to her, his nostrils flaring in anger, "I am not." Instead of backing away in fear, she tapped his nose with her finger playfully, "Aw, look at you!"

She poked her bottom lip out in a fake pout, "Is someone angry because he's incapable of expressing his feelings?" Locus growled in rage, pinning her against the wall. She flinched when he slammed his fist right next to her ear.

He leaned close to her, his voice in a fierce whisper, "I think this whole big and bad act you play is just a facade to hide what you truly fear." Liz smirked, her eyes glistening in defiance, "And what exactly is that fear?"

Locus bent down, his lips against her cheek, brushing it lightly. That light touch sent shivers through her nerves, making her whole body tremble. He brushed his mouth against the hollow of her temple, then tracing the line of her cheekbone.

When his lips finally reach hers, he didn't close the gap. He waited, brushing against her like a feather tickling her skin. The redhead soon lost her patience and pulled the man into her. Liz's fists knotted in his t-shirt as she kissed him harder. She could feel his smug grin.

"Let's go," Locus abruptly pulled away from the girl and immediately started marching towards the exit. She almost gasped in surprise and disappointment. As he left, she couldn't help but stand still.

"Locus," she wheezed, her voice cracking. A lump formed in her throat, and a sense of anxiety surrounded her. The mercenary glanced over his shoulder, but fully turned around when he realized she wasn't following him. A confused expression covered his face.

"I can't do this," Liz shook her head viciously. "It's our orders," Locus insisted, a frown forming on his lips. "They don't have to be," she whispered, grabbing on to his hand desperately. The mercenary's eyes filled with disappointment.

He let go of her hand, turning his back on her. "You know this isn't right!" Rivers called after him. Locus kept walking towards the exit, trying to shove her words out of his mind. "Please! If you cared about me at all, you would stop this!" She yelled, tears starting to cloud her eyes.

Locus froze in his tracks. "Please," she repeated with a brittle voice. "You know what will happen after the Purge," she lifted her chin, bravery striking her bones. The green and grey soldier faced her. His hands were clenched into fists. His frustration grew.

"Hargrove will leave you on this God forsaken planet to die. He won't need you anymore," Liz insisted. Locus lowered his head in thought. "You're expendable to him," she spat. The mercenary immediately refuted, "I am not."

The girl grew infuriated, "Why can't you see him for who he is? He did it once, and he can sure as hell do it again!" Locus shook his head, denying the words that flew out of her mouth, "He's my employer."

Liz took a step forward, her eyes narrowed viciously, "He's also the man who abandoned me." The mercenary was in denial, "It's not the same." The redhead scoffed, her voice increasing to a scream, "No, it's identical actually! Once the planet is destroyed, your job is done. You're just another check he has to fill out, Locus!"

When the man was quiet, she sighed. In a calmer tone, Rivers tried to reason with him, "You are not a soldier to him. You're a liability." Locus filled with rage, "I'm going to complete my orders... with or without you." The girl scowled.

"Then leave."

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