Too stubborn to die

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"What happened with my hair?" he asked carefully.

Axel looked up at Jack's blend of white and black hair and realized his mistake too late.

The winter spirit didn't take his silence well.

He rushed back on his feet to a box and started looking inside it, throwing the useless things (like daggers and arrows) over his shoulder, nearly beheading Axel with an axe, making him yelp and duck.

Lia didn't even stir.

Jack finally found what he was looking for and took out a mirror chip as big as a food plate. He froze, jaw dropped.

"From holding up the sky." Axel said without thinking. "My black hair started turning white and your hair started turning black."

Jack looked at him.

"It's not fair! Half of my hair turned black, but you barely have a strand of white hair on your head!"

"Yeah, but I held the sky only for a few minutes!"

The Guardians eyes widened in realization. If holding up the sky for a few minutes changed a strand of hair…

How long did Jack hold it?

"How long did you hold the sky?" Axel asked him.

The winter spirit started thinking.

"A few hours." He replied.

"WHAT?!" everybody (minus Lia) screamed.

"That's what Finn said after Artemis took the sky. Atlas didn't seem to like the idea of keeping alive someone who can survive holding up the ski for so long."

"Then how come he didn't kill you?" Axel asked. "Last time I checked, Atlas isn't really known for his king gestures."

The Guardians frowned, wandering the same thing.

"… Finn." Jack answered, looking away.

Axel looked away, too, with an unreadable look on his face.

Sandy started making symbols and North translated.

"Finn saved Jack? Isn't he vhe one that pointed a sword at him a few hours ago?"

"But he's also the one in the painting. They clearly know each other." Said Tooth.

"They and that sheila, Lia." Agreed Aster.

"Didn't you thought I died?" Jack asked, interrupting them. He sat back down, near the Fall sprite.

"Not for a second." Axel said. "Plus, I'm pretty sure you're too stubborn to die." He laughed at Jack snorted.

Aster heart dropped, the reminder of that fact being still hard on him.

"Neither is Finn, you know…" Jack said, making all of them frown. "I mean… he's not dead."

"Jack… I know you want to believe this, but that fall-"

"He's not dead." The kit pressed. "I know it. Lia knows it, too. Just like you knew about me."

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