Request by northernlion196 Leia x reader

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I've been tasked by Luke Skywalker to rescue Princess Leia Organa. She's been captured by the Empire.....................again. Seriously, what's up with her? How hard is it to fight stormtroopers? They can't hit worth shit! If it's apart of her plan, I swear I'll......I can't do anything. 1.) She's the Princess. 2.) I have a crush on her. How, you may ask? How can you not? That's the better question. She's good looking, and she's so badass. By the force, I'm getting off track! It's fine, I've landed anyways.

"Alpha base, this is Beta wolf. Confirm landing on Coruscant. I will make my way to the Senate building."

"Roger that, Beta Wolf. Proceed with caution. You can not be discovered. If that happens, we will not be able to send back up. Alpha base, out. May the Force be with you."

Now, in the clear I take my stun gun and vibroblade and head to the Senate building. I spot a guard beside the door. I put the poncho on, disguised as a merchant. "Excuse me sir, can you help me?"

The trooper looked at me. "What seems to be the problem, miss?"

"I ran into pirates on the way. I was sent to give the monthly supplies to the barracks. They did a number on my ship. They also broke my controls. Can you take a look at it?" I hope this works. If I can get his suit and weapon, I can sneak in with no worry.

"Alright, but only because you're late. We've been expecting this shipment since yesterday." I lead him there and brought him in the ship. I let him walk ahead to the cockpit. I pulled out my gun and fired at him. He's stunned. I took off his helmet and stabbed him in the head. One less to deal with.

~5 minutes later~
Now I have the armor on. I can get in with no suspicion. There's a ton of rooms here. Might as well go to the offices. Most of them are on the second floor. Look, an elevator. Ok I'll take it to the second floor. I'm so nervous, I hope I don't get caught, that'll be bad.

Second floor, ok. I'll start with this one. No guards, though. This belonged to Bail Organa. I pop my head in, empty. Of course it is. Why would they hide her in her father's office. Next one, Mon Mothma. Hey, she's a leader of the rebellion. I didn't know she was a Senator for the Republic back in the day. Not in here either.

Ok, last door. Padmé Amidala. There's a guard in there. Ok, I'll go in. There she is in all her glory. Laying on the couch by the window. "Hey, are you here to relieve me?" I nod, staying silent. "Alright, keep an eye on her, she's feisty."

I wait until his back is to me and I grab him in a headlock. I choke him until he's about to pass out, then I snap his neck. "What are you doing?" I turn around and took my helmet off.

"I'm Y/n L/n. I'm here you rescue you, your Highness. Luke Skywalker sent me." She stood up came over to me, outstretching her right arm. I take it and kiss her hand. "Leia, listen to me. There's guards everywhere. You have to put that suit on to hide yourself. I've got a ship waiting. I can fly us back to Alpha Base. It's at Naboo." She nodded and bent down to grab the gear.

~5 minutes later~
"Does this suit make my butt look big?" The Princess is still concerned about her looks.

I chuckle. "You look fabulous, now let's go." I put my helmet on and walk to the door. We walk casually to the lift but was stopped.

"Hey, what are you doing here, no one's supposed to be on this level." The trooper walked to us. "State your numbers, troopers."

"Yes sir, they're SG 41, go fuck yourself!" I kick him in the stomach and shot him. I shoved the Princess into the lift and we went down to the first floor. Sirens went off.

"Red alert, the princess has escaped. All units, scramble reinforcements!"

We run to the doors but there's guards in the way. I blasted them and ran to the ship. The princess is getting away!

"Get to the ship, I'll hold them off!" I took off my helmet and blasted every stormtrooper in sight. I ran to the ship and into the cockpit. I hit the ignition and we blasted into space. Once there, I activated the hyperdrive, and we zoomed into hyperspace, leaving that planet behind.

I went and changed back into my uniform. I walked to the passenger area and sat next to Leia who had also changed back into her dress. "So your Highness, how'd I do?"

She hugged me unexpectedly. "You did good. That was good strategy. Thanks for saving me." My heart raced. I swear I was about to sweat. THE Princess Leia Organa was hugging me.

"You're welcome. I was just doing my job."

"You know, I like girls like you, Y/n. Smart, strong..." She paused and whispered in my ear. "Good looking."

Oh my God! She thinks I'm good looking! "Oh, really? I was just doing what I was trained for."

"Don't you ever not worry about war. Have you tried living instead of surviving?" Oh God, her voice is so soothing. I have goosebumps. I'm shaking. "What's wrong, why are you shaking? What are you nervous for? I'm just another person."

"Well.........I....I uh."

As if she couldn't surprise me more, she kissed me. Holy crap, she's a good kisser. I let her be dominant. I had to, at this point I couldn't move. We broke for air. "It's fine, Y/n. I like you too." She kissed me again, but I heard beeping. I stopped and walked up to the cockpit. It was the holo communicator. I accepted the call. "Miss L/n, have you retrieved the princess?" Mon Mothma asked me.

"Yes, ma'am. She's safe and sound. We're on our way." I ended the transmission. I walked back and sat next to Leia. I put my arm around her and we talked for the rest of the ride. Not once releasing each other.

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