Ellie- I'm immune

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So.............some shit happened. I'd say it wasn't my fault, but it totally is. Let me just say, I was willing to let it happen. Ok, so here's what happened.

Normally, it doesn't take a few hours to see an animal, but today has been slow. It took 3 hours to get a few rabbits. So we put our kills in a drawstring bag and headed off back to home. Joel didn't want Ellie to go alone, so he asked me to go along with her. It's cute how fatherly he is towards her. I mean, he basically adopted her. She told me how she's happy we got to go out because Joel keeps her cooped up and doesn't want her to leave camp. "Well, I'm happy we get to be alone for awhile. It seems like we don't have time for each other lately."

"Yeah, I know. It's making me so stressed out."

"Have you told Joel about us yet?" I grabbed her hand and swung them back and forth.

"No, I haven't. He doesn't even know I'm gay. I've told him about Riley, just not the fact I kissed her."

"Hey, it's cool. It takes time to decide when you're ready. You tell him when you're ready to. I'm different than you. I told my parents two years ago. They don't care because there's not many people to choose from." I heard a rustle in a thicket near by. I took out my machete. "Cover me, I'll check it out." I walk over and tap a tree with my hilt. I whistled as loud as I could.

"Hmm probably a squirrel." Ellie is so funny.

I walk to Ellie and take her hand again. I stop short. "Did you hear that?" She shook her head. "Ellie I swear I heard something."

"I heard it too. Oh, no. Run, Y/n." I look to her. "Fucking move!" I run in the direction of the power plant. I heard Ellie scream she got tackled. I run over and cut the clicker's head off. A runner came straight at me. It flailed it's arms around. "Y/n! Watch out!" Another runner came behind me. I took it's arm and flipped it over my shoulders, making it land on the one in front of me. Ellie stabbed them with her switchblade. We run back to to camp and everyone was grateful we brought back food at all.

That night, I went into my tent and lifted up my sleeve. There on my right forearm lay a mark. I've been scratched by a runner. Oh no! This is bad, this is very very bad! I can't tell Ellie. She'll freak out. I'll say something when symptoms start to show.

~Present day: 4 days later~
Oh, my God. I can't believe it! I've felt no symptoms at all! I'm still alive.

"Ellie, I have a few things to tell you."

She sat on my mattress beside me. "What is it?" I took her hand in mine.

"Well, first I wanted to say......I love you, Ellie. "

She kissed me. "I love you too."

"Ellie, I have to show you something."

"What you got?"

"You aren't going to like this." I lifted up my sleeve and showed her my scratch.

"What, no." She stood up. "What the fuck, Y/n? Why didn't you tell me sooner? You know what, don't. I can't go through this again. I can't lose one more person I care about." She grabbed my hand and dragged me along. She found Joel, he was talking to Tommy. "Joel, I need to talk to you privately."

Tommy walked out and left us alone. "What's up, kiddo? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I showed my arm to Joel. "Sweet Jesus...."

"Joel, please don't get mad. Let me explain."

"No! What's there to explain?! You're infected."

"It happened when I was hunting with Ellie 4 days ago. It's been four days, and nothing. No weakness, no fever, no sweating, nothing sprouting."

"Joel, you know what this means?"

"Look, kiddo. I know what you're thinking. I don't think it's possible."

"Bullshit, Joel! You told me there were others like me! Like her! You promised me what you said about the Fireflies is true. This is living proof. Y/n is immune, just like me."

"What?" Joel and Ellie looked at me. "You're immune to this, Ellie?"

She rolled up her sleeve. I saw the scar I've layed my eyes upon many times before. "This scar is my wound from being bitten."

"That makes sense, now. You never showed your arms in any way. You didn't want people to know. Ellie, why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think you'd understand. I didn't want you to drift away from me."

"Ellie, you know I'd never do that. I didn't stop trying to get your attention when you were pushing me away."

"Y/n, why didn't you tell me you got scratched?"

"Well, for one thing, I didn't want Joel to come after me. The biggest reason is I didn't want you to get upset. You've lost too many people because of this outbreak. Your mom, Riley, Sam, Henry, Tess, Marlene. I didn't want you to know I was scratched so you would ignore me. I was afraid of you seeing me suffer. I'm sorry, Ellie."

She hugged me tightly. "I wouldn't have ignored you. I would've stayed with you until the end. I'm still staying until the end. I love you too much."

"I love you too, Ellie." Joel got a confused look. I chuckled because now we have to tell him we're together.

"It's nice to see you have a close friend, Ellie. I was afraid you wouldn't want to socialize."

"Uh, about that, Joel. Me and Y/n are together. She's my girlfriend. We don't plan on separating. Besides, I need someone else to come back to other than you."

"Well, I already trust you, Y/n. There aren't many choices. I approve, I guess. But if you hurt my little girl, Y/n, just know I won't hesitate to make your life a living Hell."

"Yes, sir." I grab Ellie's hand and lead us to our favorite spot. A maple tree near the power plant.

"Y/n, what's your biggest fear?"

"I don't know, that's a tough one. I'd say it would be dying. I've been afraid of death my whole life. That was my biggest worry when I got scratched. I didn't want to die. I still don't."

"I hear you."

"What's your biggest fear?"

"Ending up alone. I hate being on my own. I'm afraid of loosing Joel and you."

I hold her close, while trying to balance. Mind you, this is hard to do in a tree. "Don't be afraid of loosing me. No matter what I'll be by your side. Even if I die, I'll be waiting for you on the other side.

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