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This is long overdue. I was asked to do this two years ago. I apologize for the delay. I lost inspiration to write for awhile. Now I'm watching the show again and I sprouted an idea. I hope you like it. I hope you see this. In this one the reader is a Grounder Nightblood. (This is dedicated to AnalynAlcantara.)

I heard Raven come in our room. I turned over in our bed and smiled at her. She removed her brace and crawled in beside me. "Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight, Raven." I turned so I was against her back. I wrapped an arm around her waist and fell asleep.


I woke up on the ground. Why am I here? Where's Raven? I looked around to find nobody around. Gathering all the courage I could, I pick myself up from the ground. My hand automatically touched the hilt of my sword.

"What do you think?" I turned around quick and drew my weapon. I felt tears in my eyes. There in front of me was Lexa. "I think this place has some beauty to it."

"Heda? What are you doing here?" I sheathed my sword and threw myself at her, crashing our bodies together in a tight hug.

I allowed the tears to fall, as I haven't seen her in a long time. We were together once, but she left me for Clarke. I took it hard, but eventually let go of her. I knew Clarke was good for her, probably better than me. She had a heart that melted my Heda's cold icy walls. "I need to talk to you, and I don't have much time."

"I'm listening, tell me everything." Whatever it was, I knew it had to be important.

"I brought Clarke to Polis with me. She had been running wild, causing trouble, to put it lightly. She helped me bring Skaikru to us. They are now the Thirteenth clan, lead by a corrupt man who hates us. Because of my wishes to keep Clarke close, Titus felt getting rid of her would snap me back to my 'old self.'"

"He still believes love is weakness." I added in. It wasn't a question, but a statement. I knew it was exactly what Titus always preached.

Lexa nodded and continued. "I heard loud noises, so I followed them to check on whomever made the sounds. I opened the door and saw Titus with a gun. He aimed at Clarke, but missed and hit me."

I didn't want to be weak in front of Lexa, but the tears I didn't know were coming flooded from my eyes. "He shot you with a Sky weapon?"

"Yes, he did." She wiped my tears away and cupped my face in her hands. "I died, and my spirit was taken here, to the City of Light."

"You can't be dead, Heda." I said, trying not to sob. "Your people need you."

"They aren't my people any longer."

"Well, h-have you considered that I need you? I never stopped thinking about you or what we had." Lexa comforted me with a hug and rubbed circles into my back with her thumb.

"I know this is hard for you. Please, put aside your feelings for a minute. Raven needs you. You have her now and I know the bond will be stronger than ours ever was. I need to ask a favour from you."

I pulled away from my Commander and nodded. I wiped my own tears away and took a deep breath. "Whatever you need, Lexa."

Lexa always knew how I was a devout follower of her. "I need you to try and let go of me. You will need strength for the next step." She paused and sighed, trying to stay strong for me. "I want you to take my place and be the next Commander. You are a Nightblood, like me. I know the thirteen clans will be in good hands."

I wanted to take a second to think about it, but I felt like my vision was fading. I thought I was going to pass out. "Lex-" It was hard to speak. I shook it off and focused on Lexa.

"You must be waking up." Lexa knew what it was. She knew the trauma of the situation was going to be enough to wake me.

"Lexa, before I go. I need to tell you...." I placed my hands on her shoulders to hold myself steady. Her hands made their way to my waist. "......I accept! I will return to Polis. I will become Commander."

She gave me a smile and softly connected our foreheads. "You will do great. You are smart, you are strong, and you are a great leader."

I felt the ground shake beneath us. I heard voices echoing in the distance. I looked around, and then to Lexa. In a moment of desperation, I closed the distance and kissed the Heda with intensity. I had craved her lips for a long time. This might be the last time I could kiss her. She broke the kiss, knowing I don't have long. "I love you, Lexa."

She nodded and hugged me tight. "I love you too. I'll always be with you."


I woke up gasping for air and shot up. Raven was sitting beside me, and Monty and Kane were standing near the bed.

I realized I had a thin layer of sweat and I was crying....just like the dream. "Raven.." I managed to get out.

Raven hugged me close and I felt Monty rub my back. "You're safe, dear." Kane told me. "What was that dream all about? Raven told me you were crying and screaming Lexa's name."

I looked at Raven as my bottom lip trembled. "I saw Lexa. We were talking in the City of Light. She's dead, killed by Titus."

Raven looked at Monty with a panicked expression. "That can't be, it was just a dream."

"Not unlikely, the City of Light holds the spirit of all of the Commanders who passed." I met Kane's gaze. "That's not all." I took a second to catch my breath. "Lexa wants me to be the next Commander."

I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to Raven. I heard the door open and close. Kane must have left with Monty. "I'm here, baby. I got you."

"I love you so much, Raven." I said, now scared of losing Raven. I don't even want to think about what is going to come next in my life.

"I love you too, baby." She combed her fingers through my hair, knowing it relaxes me. I focused on her heartbeat and fell asleep to the comforting rhythm.

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