1/2 | What are We

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"Home, sweet home," Marshall sing-songed as he gently let Gumball's feet make contact with the balcony's floor. 

"Yes, thank you, Marshall Lee." Gumball almost regretted that. Why should he thank Marshall? He didn't, but he did want, him to fly him home. How condescending is he, really. 

 Marshall arched an eyebrow, studying Gumball. "Hmhmn, gonna half to say that louder, Gummy. I didn't catch that-" 

"Yes, you heard me just fine. You know you did. I am not repeating myself." Gumball cut Marshall off, folding his arms over his chest, leaning on his right hip. 

"Excuse me, your highness, but I'm actually growing deaf from all of the loud music I play." 

Gumball rolled his eyes all the way to the back of his head, it felt like. He's a flipping vampire... how could one like him go deaf? If he drinks blood, it's going to heal any injury, including his ears. Dare does he say this, Marshall's a load of shit. 

"I'm not stupid," Gumball informed Marshall, looking the other way with his nose in the air. 

"I never said you were, Gumwad." Marshall replied, arching an eyebrow. "I just wanted to make sure I was hearin' you clearly." He added before giving into an odd urge to hug Gumball.  He'd just use an excuse to do it. 

"I really have to go, though," Marshall blurted, swooping in, hugging Gumball for a quick second before darting off into the orange and pink sky. "Catch ya later." He wiggled his eyebrows at the Candy Prince. 

Gumball didn't have time to say anything or react. He just kind of stood there, his eyes like saucers. 

"Prince Gumball, is that you I hear?" Peppermint Maid called out from his room, bringing Gumball back to his reality. 

"No? I, uh- yes! It is." Gumball cleared his throat before returning to his bedroom to catch Peppermint Maid up on the news with Fiona and Flame Prince. 

 - - - 

Marshall made it back to his place, far away in the Nightosphere where Ash patiently waited for him. 

"Babe?" Marshall called out through the darkness in his cold little house. For being a king, it sure didn't show. He didn't own a big creepy castle like in some fairy tales, but he thought it'd be super chill if he did. His parents are the ones to go to if you're an adrenaline junkie, or just like to scare yourself shitless. 

"I'm in here," Ash called back from Marshall's bedroom. 

Marshall felt a warm smile creep onto his thin lips as he quickly made his way towards his room. All he really wanted  was to be in her arms. Lately, he just wanted something concrete that would last as long as he will. There wasn't many people who lived as long as him. And most other vampires did not like him very much. They assume he's too nice, not very fit for a King. 

Marshall always agreed to disagree. What is a King to his people if he did not live with them? He hated the idea of some clueless brute being in power. A king should know his people. But, just because half of his population didn't accept him, that doesn't mean he needs to back down. The other half of his population have seem to take a liking to him. And that's how he found Ash... or Ash found him. 

Ash smiled, opening her thin arms for him. Marshall quickly leaped into his bed, wrapping his more toned arms around her. The two of them snuggled together in silence for a few minutes. 

"You're still dressed, Marshall," Ash commented, "This is a problem." She teased him, kissing at his neck. She wrapped a leg around his waist, pulling him closer to her. 

Marshall groaned, not really finding the energy for it.

"What are you on?" Marshall asked, playfully thinking she was on some kind of weird drug.

"I'll be on that dick," Ash teased him, her hand began to unbutton his red plaid shirt. 

"Aahhaha, how about not tonight? Can't we just cuddle and look at the stars?" Marshall chuckled lightly, not sure if he believed himself at the moment. He sounded like such a girl. Memories of Fiona and Gumball popped up. He loved the few nights he had with them, just gazing at the stars. Fiona would get so caught up in the night sky, that if you said something to her, she wouldn't even hear you. 

And Gumball... He looks so peaceful when he watches the stars. It was honestly something to see. He always looks like he's stressin' himself out over something. 

"Are you even Marshall tonight? What did you do with him?" Ash asked, propping herself up on her elbow. The covers obviously not covering her chest anymore. 

"Marshall's still here, he's just tired." He replied, feeling kind of salty all of a sudden. He turned on his side, not facing her. 

Ash sighed, "It's like I'm dating another me." She sat up and stared off into the dark.

"But we're not even dating, though." He added.

"Oh, please. We've dated plenty of times."

Marshall fell silent, not sure what he should even say to that. He wondered how Ash actually felt about him. He felt like Flame Prince, and Ash was his Fiona; always dumping him and shit for someone else and then comes crying back to him. 

"Well, since we're not gonna smash, I'm going to sleep." Ash informed Marshall as she adjusted to her side, facing the opposite direction of Marshall. 

After an hour of silence, Marshall turned on his back, and looked over to Ash. 

"What are we?" He asked softly, almost a whisper. He knew she wasn't asleep.

After a moment, Ash turned to face him, a frown already formed on her thin lips. 

"What do you mean?" 

Marshall studied her face, silent again. 


"It's nothing, never mind," He said as he sat up, getting out of the bed. He looked over towards the clock, reading two a.m. 

"Where ya going?" She asked, sitting up.

"I just need some fresh air," He replied, exiting his room. 

He heard a frustrated sigh from his room. Furrowing his eyebrows, he walked outside. Not sure of what to do. He sat on the front step, listening to the sounds of the creepy night. He just wanted to have a clear head. He regretted the way he acted towards Ash just now. This wasn't him. What was he doing anyway? Usually he'd be getting some ass right now. But his dead heart was yearning for something. And this did not seem to fit the bill.  But this is what he had. This is what he's known for centuries. 

Marshall looked over his shoulder at his front door, thinking of Ash. He could just walk back in and roll with the flow, but... he just couldn't. He looked ahead of him, and found himself wanting something new. A change in things. He wanted to change something, anything. 

!| A/N
This may seem boring to some, but I like drama? 
Also, sorry for the wait on the update. Laziness at it's finest. 
Chapter two is on it's way! 
This was just a lowkey filler chapter. lmao 

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