3 | Back at it again

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The night's sky was soon turning an orange that faded into a light pink off in the distance. Flame Prince knew he was close to the Candy Kingdom. So close, he could taste the sugar in the air. He instantly felt better knowing the Candy Kingdom was coming into view. One thousand steps closer to rescuing Fiona. Ice Queen's going to get what she deserves. 

As soon as he entered the front gates of the Candy Kingdom, he didn't make any pit stops or greet any of the early rising candy people. Some of them stopped and watched him as he raced towards the tree-like tower in the center of the kingdom. He needed to get to Prince Gumball so fast, he couldn't take it. If Prince Gumball was in an "important" meeting, he was going to drag his ass out of there anyway. Gumball's best friend is more important than some silly meeting he can take later. 

Not wasting anymore time, he didn't bother slowing the two horses down. Once he reached the large front doors of Prince Gumball's home, he leaped off the buggie, looking graceful with smooth and perfect movements; landing on his feet and darting towards the doors. 

"Let me in, let me in!" Flame Prince shouted without thinking this through at all. "I need to see-"

"Not so fast!" One of the large Candy Guards stepped in front of him, blocking the doors. 

"Who are you? What business do you have here?" Another Candy Guard asked, stepping next to the other Guard. 

Flame Prince skidded to an awkward stop, just barely a foot from running into them. "I need to see Prince Gumball!" He blurted frantically. 

"Do you know what time it is, boy?" The Candy Guard asked, "The Prince is not awake, yet." 

"And, first of all, you don't just march up here last minute!" 

"Last minute!? Are you kidding me? This is first minute!!" Flame barked at them, his hands scrunching up into fists. 

A few ore minutes passed by of the three of them arguing over how rude it was to stomp on Prince Gumball's front door without any notice or invite. The Guards knew the schedule and who was to show up on what day. This kid was not on the list. 

All the yelling and name calling had bothered Peppermint Maid, since her room was not far from the entrance. Since she was up, she guessed it was time to start the day... at five in the morning. Usually everyone here wakes up at seven or eight in the morning. 

"What is the big idea here!?" Peppermint Maid said loud enough for the three to shut up. "You're disturbing the Prince's sleep!" She added, with a cute but angry expression on her face.

"I-I need to see Prince Gumball! It's very urgent and important! Please, help me!" Flame Prince took his chance and quickly blurted out to Peppermint Maid. 

"What is the urgency, my dear?" Peppermint Maid asked, acting like she cared. 

"Fiona's been kidnapped by the Ice Queen!" Flame Prince finally said, feeling a bit hopeless at this rate. He wanted someone to take him serious and help him! He didn't have time to wait! Fiona's life could end any time! 

Peppermint Maid gasped. Fiona had been taken... by Ice Queen? Peppermint made hand gestures for Flame Prince to fallow her in. The Guards blinked in confusion with frowns hearing of the sudden news about Fiona. They stepped aside, letting Flame Prince in. Flame Prince glared at each of them as he passed by them, and quickly fallowing after Peppermint Maid. 

"Are you taking me to see Prince Gumball?" Flame Prince asked, almost breathless. 

"Yes, I'm taking you right to him!" She replied.

"Thank you!" Flame blurted.

"Oh, Prince Gumball! Please, wake up! It's going to be an early morning for you!" Peppermint Maid called out to him as they stopped at his bedroom doors. "There's an emergency!"

Gumball's eyes snapped open. He groaned, looking over at the clock. He wasn't sure what was said, but Peppermint Maid sounded worried. He sighed, and glared at the closed doors. He wondered what was happening, and why it involved him. 

"I'm coming," Gumball grumbled as he forced himself to get out of his nice warm bed. She was right, this was going to be an early, dreadful morning for him... 

And thinking it was just Peppermint Maid at his door, he didn't bother to change into any of his outfits. He was wearing an old shirt Marshall had given him, along with a pair of striped pink and white boxers with messy bed head. 

"What is i-" Gumball's sentence trailed off when he notice someone else standing next to Peppermint Maid after he opened one of the doors. Gumball almost panicked. He wasn't properly dressed, especially since it was another Prince standing in his presence. 

"Flame Prince?" Gumball asked, "What the sugar are you doing here at this early hour?" Gumball tried closing the door a little to at least hide his indecency. But nope, Flame Prince hit the door so her couldn't close it. 

"No, I need your help right now! I don't care what you're wearing, we have to go save Fiona!" Flame began to babble quickly about everything that had happened. Gumball's eyes grew twice their size as he listened carefully. 

"Ice queen took her while on our date..." And he Flame added in more details. 

This actually sent a wave of panic through the Candy Prince. Fiona had been snatched by the Ice Queen? How dare she lay a hand on Candy Kingdom's little knight!? And with that, Gumball quickly dressed himself in privacy. Ice Queen had finally come out of hiding, has she? She was planning something this whole time, probably. 

"Let's go," Prince Gumball said as he quickly exited his bedroom. He came out wearing something he didn't care to get dirty in. Gumball also assumed, since Marshall was Fiona's best friend, he should alert the Vampire king, as well. As much as he didn't want to, this was bigger than he was. This is about saving Fiona, not his stupid feelings towards stupid Marshall. 

"We should get Marshall on our team, too!" Flame Prince blurted, fallowing Gumball to the roof of his tree-castle. "Fiona said-" 

"Fine!" Gumball snapped, but he wasn't annoyed with Flame Prince at all. He was just annoyed at himself. "We'll get him." He added, now knowing that Fiona wants Marshall with, too. He kind of figured, anyway. And knowing Marshall being friends with Fiona and all; of course he'd come with even if he was told no. He always crashes his balls, why not crash the rescue team, too. 

"Thank you!" Flame Prince blurted with relief, now feeling like he's actually getting help. Fiona was right to choose these guys to come get. They seemed like they really cared for her. 


The closer they got to the Nightospere, the more Gumball was stressing over this. He always had to mentally prepare to see Marshall. He didn't really know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. He just knew Marshall effected him in some type of way. Marshall always had to give him a little fright, too. 

"There it is!" Flame Prince shouted, not sure if he liked being over in this part of the world. He gulped, looking over to Prince Gumball. "How can such a place exist?" He asked, looking back at the creepy darkness. 

"I exist, you exist, why not." Prince Gumball responded sarcastically as he glanced down at the Nightospere. It was a good thing Lord Monochromicorn wasn't bright like he and Flame Prince were. They'd be getting attacked by weird scary flying creatures by now if he were. He didn't wonder about what Cake saw in Lord Monochromicorn. He knew exactly what she saw in him. He was the most loyal pet he had ever had. 

!| A/N 
know, akward end to this chapter. 
But it's late, and I need to get some sleep! 
Chapter 4 coming up next. ;) 

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