Chapter 2 // youtube idea

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Erika started laughing after I told her the reactions of all the boys but I can tell she gives a fake laugh when I tell her about Jake.

I found out that they all are actually really big YouTuber's. She also said they do anything just for a video and they might get me to do something so just try to stay out of there way... can't promise that Erika.

"Well let's go eat, I think nick ordered some Chinese" she smiles.

"Good because I've had a long day and I'm starving." I laugh. She gets up from her bed and I follow behind her.

When we reach the table there is one seat left... right in between Emilio and... Jake. GREAT!!

I try to not be awkward because everyone is having a conversation except me, Jake, and Emilio... so I just decide to make small talk with Emilio. Soon enough he starts talking to me about Spain and where he's from while I'm eating and I keep asking questions to keep the conversation going.

Everyone else is having a good time talking but I see Jake constantly sneaking glances at me and Emilio. I just try to ignore him and keep talking to Emilio.

"So how are the people there, I've always wondered." I say before taking a bite out of my orange chicken.

"They are so awesome everyone treats you like family but none of the girls there are nearly as beautiful as you" the twin says and Jake nearly chokes on his food. It immediately gets quiet and he's once again amusing me.

"I-uh i didn't chew my food all the way ahahah" he tries to cover up with a fake smile, while looking at me. Why me? Of all the people staring at him.

"Well... Uhm tomorrow is Monday so we have to make up a video idea. We've done so much stuff I honestly don't know what else to do" says Chance out loud finally breaking the awkwardness.

"Why don't you go and pick a random girl off the street and go on a date with her?" Jake says half joking. Then the idea came to my mind.

"Date me." I say kinda regretting the words once they left my mouth. Erika looks at me confused and I give her an 'it's ok' look.

"You're joking right?" A dirty blonde boy named nick says with an English accent. Now everyone is staring at me.

"Not really haha, I think it will be fun... plus it'll only be for Youtube" I say

"No you can't" says Jake. I'm confused as he said that, who the hell is he to tell me what to do?! Erika looks at him funny.

"What the hell, you're funny because I can do what I want and like I said, this sounds really fun. Plus I've always wanted to be on YouTube." I give Jake an annoyed look and shortly after smile at Chance. Why does this boy think he can control me like that? He has to be joking, he is joking right?

"Well then I want to be part of this dating thing too" says Jake and I laugh, literally laugh. Erika does the opposite she has a worried look on her face and gives Jake a death glare.

"You've got to be fucking joking right? I'm just going to excuse myself." Erika says and it gets quiet again. Drama already and I've only been in this house for like an hour it's like I attract it or something. I've been stressing enough and I honestly feel bad for Erika but I have no idea why she's acting like that, it's weird.

"Us too" says Ivan breaking the second awkward moment amongst the group. Those are the first words that came out his mouth that I heard. His voice is slightly deeper than Emilio.

Once everyone is done eating I grab all four boys together.

"Ok so here's the plan; each of you gets one full day to date me, so we're basically a couple for a day. I won't be aloud to criticize you, I just go along with what you are doing."

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