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( book i, CHAPTER ONE )

          IT WAS A NEW DAY FOR EIZABETH Ramsey- and not a day in which she had ever prepared herself for

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          IT WAS A NEW DAY FOR EIZABETH Ramsey- and not a day in which she had ever prepared herself for. On the recommendation of her uncle, Alistair Ramsey himself, she was told to flee her London home of nearly a decade and find somewhere safe to lay low in.

Nearly half a week before, the Ramsey family had a tip off that their London home was planning to be burnt down with them inside. Their father, Sebastian Ramsey, had recently been murdered and yet his former "business partners" were still looking for retribution.

So without raising much suspicion, Alistair Ramsey had declared that they would leave once the house started to erupt into flames.

Not having much time to argue, the Ramsey family packed their barest necessities and fled in unknown and opposite directions- also at the recommendation of Alistair.

The two eldest Ramseys- Augustus and Jeremy- fled South together, Elizabeth's younger brother, Elliot, escaped to the East with Alistair, and Elizabeth alongside her adoptive brother- Ronan Buchanan- moved North.

It wasn't the ideal getaway, but it was quick and unnoticeable. Yet, with little money, Eliza wondered how far she would get by with providing for not only herself, but Ronan as well.

Her immediate payment was spent on two tickets to North Hampton. Not wanting to spend to long like a sitting target on the train, she paid off a couple of drivers to take her the rest of the way to Small Heath.

And thus lead her to her current situation: finding a place to call home for how ever long that may end up being.

Eliza held Ronan on her hip, while dragging a small bag behind her. It didn't hold much- a couple of dresses for her and some shirts and trousers for Ronan, along with some left over money for her to spend on finding a place to stay. Ron had been asleep since the car ride from North Hampton and due to the stressful past week she refused to wake him up from his slumber.

It was getting very dark and she was beginning to panic, from what she remembered of Small Heath, it wasn't the brightest idea to stay out past dark.

Walking through the slightly familiar streets, Eliza couldn't help but reminisce her faint childhood memories spent here with the Shelbys. She fondly remembered her days as a teenager, spent alongside the three eldest Shelby boys and her own brothers. Although, she mostly remained side by side with the Shelby sister, Ada. Eliza couldn't help but wonder if they still remained in the city. The Shelbys were like kin to her and her family, but once her father moved them all to London for better hospital treatment for their mother, they lost touch.

"Thank God," Eliza mumbled, adjusting Ronan once more on her hip before walking towards the small inn she caught sight of.

"Ron, my love, it's time to wake up," she cooed softly into his ear, "We're here, darling."

Cuddling deeper into the crook of her neck, Ronan gently fluttered open his eyes and stretched his arms as Eliza set him on the ground.

"Where are we?" He asked groggily, looking up at the small inn.

"Small Heath, Birmingham. We'll hopefully be staying at this inn until further notice. Then tomorrow I'll start searching for a job to hold us down," she opened he door to the inn and walked to the small desk at the front hall, Ronan sluggishly trailing behind her.

Setting her bag down at the foot of the desk, Eliza tapped the bell to which an elderly woman answered to by walking down the stairs.

"Hello, dear. How can I help you?" The woman asked, a wrinkly smile gracing her cheeks.

"Hello, I'd like to stay in one of your rooms please."

"And for how long?"

"Uh..." she glanced down to Ronan who was leaning against her leg tiredly, "I'm hoping for a bit of a long term stay. Is there anything of the sort available?"

"I suppose," she chimed quietly, grabbing a key from behind her desk, "You can pay weekly for the room and an extra fee for the bathhouse and daily meals if it pleases you."

"That'll do," she stated, taking out her money and paying the woman her fee for the week; leaving Eliza with hardly anything. She hoped she would find herself a job soon, "Thank you..."

"Call me Agatha, dear. Here's your key. And breakfast is served at eight in the morning."

"My name is Eliza. And I will do well to remember," she stated chuckling softly, "Do you know if there are any jobs available around here?"

" are hard to come by these days. I'd check the Garrison first thing tomorrow. I believe Harry was looking for some help, but best be careful around these parts, dear. The Peaky Blinders run every inch of this town," Agatha stated warningly, her lips pursed.

"The Peaky Blinders?" The Ramsey girl questioned. The name sounded familiar to her, but she just couldn't put where.

"Yes, love, the gang run by the Shelby family. Surely you've heard of them?"

So they did still reside in town.

"Right, of course. Forgive me, it's been several years since my last visit. Thank you again for the room and the job recommendation. Have a good night Agatha," Eliza responded, before quickly grasping Ronan's hand and her bag and rushing up the stairs beside the desk to her room.

Perfect, she thought to herself, Escaped from one gang only to run into the arms of another.

But she knew the Shelbys, they surely wouldn't turn her in, or would they? It had been years since they last made contact. They were practically strangers now.

For the time being, the Garrison would have to do.

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