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          ELIZA HAD BEEN SERVING DRINKS TO SOME OF THE MEN AT THE BAR WHEN THE DOOR TO THE GARRISON BURST OPEN. Normally, such an entrance would've gone unnoticed by those used to the everyday antics of the bar, but this was different.

"It's Billy Kimber!"

A group of men stormed in and at the front and center a short bloke with a thick, black mustache stood with a scowl on his lips, "Is there any man here named Shelby?" The Garrison quieted down quickly as everyone turned to face the man, "I said, is there any man here named Shelby?"

Eliza hadn't recognized the man, but the name sounded eerily familiar - she could've sworn she had heard it fall from her father's or her uncle's lips once.

The backroom door swung open and out poured the Shelby brothers, with Thomas leading them in a collected manner. He had a stern grimace on his face - a look that greatly contrasted the loose smile he had been wearing only moments earlier.

"Harry," Tommy stated, voice rough, "Get these men a drink." He spared an emotionless glance at Billy Kimber before speaking up once more, "Everyone else, go home."

It didn't take much for the bar full of people to empty out. In these parts, Thomas Shelby's word was law - and the Peaky Blinders made sure that everyone knew as such.

Eliza locked eyes with Grace from around the bar and slowly made her way to her as the Garrison slowly emptied, "Grace, why don't you go on home, yes? I can finish up from here."


"Go home." It was Tommy's voice that interrupted the pair, his eyes locked on the blonde.

Yet still, Grace persisted, "But Mr. Fenton said-"

"I said, go home."

Grace looked at Eliza one last time before removing her apron and taking her leave. Eliza watched her as she walked out, wanting to make sure the Irishwoman left without a qualm  from Billy Kimber and his men. A frown encompassed her face as she noticed Mr. Kimber's gaze on Grace, a lazy smile on his lips.

"Elizabeth, go on as well," she knew that she'd have to take her leave sooner rather than later. But now Billy Kimber had his eyes locked on her and a shiver rolled up her spine - she didn't want to leave the Shelbys with this man, but what could she possibly do? She held Tommy's gaze for a moment and decided not to question him. Instead, she swiftly removed her apron and began to head towards the door. Whatever business the Shelbys had with this man, she knew it couldn't be good. 

"No, no, no," Kimber laughed obnoxiously, "She stays." Before Eliza even made it to the door, she found the door blocked by two large men whom both gave her a dark smirk. She backed away slowly as they inched their way towards her, "I never approved of women in pubs, but when they look like that-"

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