ch. 5

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It's been a few days since I "joined" Fairy Tail. I haven't talked to anyone since fighting Lucy. But it's good this way. I won't have to worry about leaving them behind when I go back to Arobynn.

"Hey Y/N. You want to do a mission with us!?" A cheerful voice asked.

I turned around in my seat at the bar to see Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray and Erza standing there.

"Umm. No. No thanks." I looked at the mission board, thinking about how I will assassinate Lucy.

"Come on. It'll be fun." Lucy smiled at me.

"You have nothing better to do!" Happy stared me in the eyes with a fish in his mouth.

"You got me there." I sighed. "Okay. I guess I'll go with you."

"Yay! It'll be so much fun!" Lucy gave me a hug.

"Y-ya." I blushed. "I gotta get my stuff. I'll be right back." I shot off the chair I was sitting on and ran all the way to the dorms that was attached to the guild.

As I made my way up the stairs I heard another pair of feet behind me.

I got to my dorm room, but before I walked in the door, I took out a knife from the inside of my belt and pinned the person who was following me to the wall.

"Holy shit Y/N!" The voice said.

I looked up at the persons face to see that it was Gray.

"D-didnt anyone say that it was bad to sneak up on people!" I yelled in embarrassment.

"Look who's talking." He scoffed, clearly meaning  me being an assasin.

"I only did it because the person who saved me said I owed him a debt. And i repayed it. I'm not all that bad. Considering my past and everything." I grumbled and walked to my door.

"What do you mean the person who saved your life?" Gray asked.

"Look, I'm not that big on the whole sappy back stories. Let's just say I don't know anything about when I was younger. Being an assassin is the only thing that I know from childhood." I walked in my room after telling him.

"I'm not one for back stories either. I just came up here to see if you needed any help with your stuff." Gray leaned against the door frame.

"I don'thave much to carry. I'm good." I threw my bag onto the bed and packed the few things I had.

"Alright. See you downstairs. Oh. And hurry. Erza doesn't like to wait." He winked at me then walked away.

I waited a couple minutes for his footsteps as they gradually grew quieter.

"Hmph. What an ass." I sighed and grabbed my assassin outfit.

"Maybe I can kill her in her sleep?" I whispered to myself putting it in my bag.

I grabbed my key and closed the door. As I made my way back to the guild hall, I couldn't help but think as to why Arobynn wants Lucy killed.

"Took you long enough." Erza said annoyed.

"Sorry. Just got a lot on my mind. So what's the mission?" I asked.

"Lullaby." Happy said sitting on Natsus shoulder.

"Lullaby?" I asked.

"It pretty much a weapon of death. If you play it, it'll kill people with it's song." Gray said plainly.


"Lets do it!" Natsu said happily walking out of the guild.

"Why is he so happy about a weapon of death?" I asked.

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