ch. 8

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"And that's what happened." I explained to Gray.

"So, you're telling me you're the dead princess. And my father tried to kill You? Again?" Gray shook his head in disbelief.

"Look. I don't really know what happened or why it happened. Just don't tell the others. Please."

"Alright. I won't. But, can I ask you something?"

"You already asked me a million questions tonight. But what's one more?" I tried to make light of the situation.

"What made you want to come back to fairy tail?"

"I made some amazing friends. I only had one back at the mansion. And I felt like I didn't really fit in. Even though I had a real nack for killing people. I didn't like it." I wrapped my arms around myself.

"What was your first kill?" Gray blurted out.

He covered his mouth with his hand, trying to say he didn't want to say it but he did at the same time.

"Huh. My first kill. It wasn't my kill. But I had a hand in it. I think it was my second or third day there. Something like that. And Arobynn told me to put in this really beautiful gold dress and diamond earrings. I had to look like money. He gave me a wanted poster of this man and told me to find him in the market square. Or I think it was. I'm not sure. But I pretended to be lost and found him. Asked if he could take Me home and my parents would be ever so grateful that they might pay him." I paused. "I don't remember how exactly I persuaded him to take Me home, I was so young. But he brought me back to the mansion. And as soon as he walked onto the property, past the gates of hell, an arrow whizzed past my head and found the man's thy." I scoffed. "Too bad I wasn't standing two centimeters or so to the left. It would of got my straight in the head." I pointed to the very center of my forehead.

"What about the first murder you commuted?" I heard Lucy ask from her bed.

I turned around to see her sitting on her bed. Looking at me with slight horror.

"The first murder I committed? It was the summer of when I turned 12. I had a female friend at the mansion whom I liked in a more romantic way than friendly. I think she liked me too, in the same way I liked her. But one day I was called into Arobynns office. He sat at his desk and I sat across from him. He said to me Y/N, I have news. You will have your first kill today. I was nervous. I didn't want to kill anyone. So I yelled, who is it? An innocent?! It was a mistake, yelling at him like that. He stood very calmly from his chair, walked around his desk and slapped my across the face with his hand full of rings with big jewles."

I held the right part of my face, remembering the pain.

"Don't talk to me like that. Just for That, I am going to make you kill... He trailed of for what seemed like hours but was a mearfew seconds. Andria. I could feel my whole face drop. I couldn't kill her. She was my best friend, my romantic crush. No. Was all I had whispered. A simple no. He slapped me again. Taken out a knife, took my hand and sliced my palm. If you say no Again, I will throw you both in the pit and make you fight like dogs. He had grabbed my face by then and was spitting words into my face. I nodded. Trying not to let a single tear fall because of my bleeding hand. He let go of me, pointed to the door, to Andria."

I could feel tears start to swell my eyes.

"I picked up the knife Arobynn had thrown onto the ground that was covered in my blodd and walked to her. She was in our bedroom, we had to share because there was an over crowding at the time. I opened the door and closed it right behind me. She asked me in her beautiful African accent what's wrong? What did he do to You!? Come. Let me help you. She walked to the medecin case and got some bandages. I hugged her from behind. Finally letting my tears fall. Please, don't cry. We will fix it. She turned around and I let her. I looked up and kisses her on the lips. Proclaiming my love for her. I'm sorry. He wants me to kill You. I told her."

I let out a sob.

" What happened next?" Lucy asked, too curious for her own good.

"So do what must be done, my love. I what she told me. She kissed me one last time, so tenderly on the lips. And took my shaking hand with the knife in hers and placed it where her heart was. You are a good person. Please don't let this kill change you as my kills have changed me.  She smiled. SMILED, at me before pushing the knife into her beautiful dark brown skin. She had a gleam in her eyes when she died. As if I had set her free. My first kill was my first love. And I hate myself for that." I slammed my fist on the table.

"Why couldn't you of just run?" Gray asked.

"There were stories going around that a little boy tried to run away. He only made it to the middle of the court yard when an arrow hit him in the leg. Arobynn went out and draged the boy back in. Saying let this be a lesson to who think about running. Arobynn then took a few rusty old knives from the kitchen and pinned the boy against the front door, lifted him up, and crucified him. The knifes through his arms, hands, legs and feet. Where everyone could see him. The boys stayed there for days on end. Asking anyone to kill him. To end his misory. A week later he died. And to this day, what makes me believe the story, there are slits where a knife would fit. And there's a lot of them." I remembered the older children telling me the story, sitting at a long wooden table.

I sighed looking off into space.

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