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So apparently tonight this group is coming over I have no idea who they are. All I know is my dad is going on tour with them

"What even is the band called."
I asked
"Why Don't We
"Who even is that"
"You'll meet them tonight and I think you might like them or think they're cute oooo"
"Ew please stop and when am I meeting them"
"Tonight they're coming over"
"Wait tonight I have plans"
"Sorry you're going to have to cancel them"
"Uh whatever what time are they coming and how are they getting here.
"the oldest Jonah is driving. And they're coming in an hour so get ready"
"Come on seriously"

I leave and get ready. I put some makeup on put on my outfit

I go downstairs as their car pulls in.
"Umm they're here what do I do"
"Let them in I'll be down in a minute"

They knock on the door and I open it

"Hello." I say
"Hi, we're here for a meeting with our tour manager" some blonde kid says
"Oh hi I'm his daughter he's upstairs doing who knows what"

I yell up and say
"Hey the people are here to talk to you about some tour"
"I'm coming and we talked about this you know who they are and that they're going on tour"
"Nope doesn't ring a bell"

As he walks down stairs they all introduce themselves

"I'm Jack" the curly haired boy says
"I'm Jonah" the most attractive one of the guys says
"Im Corbyn" the blonde says
"Im Daniel" one with the best hair says
"And I'm zach" the youngest i believe says
"Hi I'm Julia nice to meet you" I take out my hand for them to shake
"Nope we're huggers" Jonah said
"Oh so am I supposed to hug you guys or something"
"That would be ideal" he said

I gave them all very awkward hugs and just as that happened my dad walked downstairs
"What's this" he says as I'm giving the last one a hug. I think it's jack
"Nothing she was just saying hi sorry for hugging her" jack says quickly stopping hugging me
"It's just a joke. He has that personality" I say
"Yeah hug her all you want" my dad said
"Oh god your embarrassing me"
"Why. Do you get embarrassed infront of "cute" guys"
"Um no I mean um whatever can we just get out of here"
"Ooo I think you like them" he says while all the boys laugh
"Can I go now i already met them" I can feel myself blushing
"Nope we're sitting down and talking"
"And why do I have to be here"
"Because your going to"
"Seriously do I have to. When are they even going on the tour"
"That's what we're figuring out now"

We all go to the table. I sit down first and then the one with the blonde hair sits next to me.

"Ok so we need to figure out when we want this tour to start. I say maybe in two or three weeks. How does that sound" he starts
"That's good for me" each of the boys say at the same time

I roll my eyes. Oh great they're one of those groups who say everything the same.

My dad catches me rolling my eyes and kicks my foot. It hurt.

"Ow what was that for"
"You know"

They go back to their conversation

"Ok and for the dates we have open 4/7 to 8/7. What days are good for you guys"
"Those are good" Jack says

Great I'm stuck on a stupid tour for 5 months with random boys I don't even know.

"So how do you want to go on with this. Like places"
"If we could the whole United States" Daniel says
"I'm glad you said that cause that's what I was thinking"

Oh great every state for 5 months. Definitely torture

" what about you is that good for you" one of the boys said to me
"Oh me Yeah I guess that's okay"
"Are you sure"
"I mean five months is a long time but I guess it's okay. But it's not about me it's about you guys"
"Ok just making sure" the tall one said similing.
I could feel myself blushing
"I see someone has a crush on Jonah. Jonah does this happen often" my dad says
"What are you talking about I just met him how can I have a crush on him" I say very defensive
"I'm kind of offended" Jonah says
"I thought I was an attractive guy oh well"
"I never said you weren't attractive oh no I mean um never mind" I say
"Wait did you just admit that you think I'm attractive" he says
"Um no. Well look at the time I gotta go"
"Nope your staying" my dad says

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