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"Hello" I say

"So what happened yesterday when I left"

"A lot me and Daniel got in a fight but it's better now"

"Is it about what we talked about before you went back in"

"No surprisingly it isn't I kinda avoided talking about that and I guess that went along with everything"

"Well what was the fight about"

"Well since I was annoyed with before not you just the topic of what well you know but I was mean to Corbyn which made all of them leave the room and then me and Daniel fought over how I "handled it" so yeah"

"Oh well at least you aren't fighting anymore"

"Yeah" I say

"Well good luck on the tests"

"Good luck oh and I think that our math test was changed to Monday"

"Really" he says

"Yeah which is good cause I can study more which we both know I need"

"Well maybe this time I can help you for the majority of time"

"Maybe" I say Laughing as he turns around

When he turns around Jacob starts talking to me

"So you guys are studying again" he says

"I don't know maybe"

"Well I think you should cause I think he really wants to and I think you need it" he says as I see him look towards Mark

"First of all rude second well if he remembers and asks then I will" I say

When I say that he looks at Mark and mouths something to him.

Then the teacher walks in and gives us our tests

We take them and I hand mine in. I think I got a good grade on it.

I hope I did because all I need is at most only one C for my tests in English, math, science, history, and Italian to continue on the tour

When I finish the test I go on my phone and see I have a text from Daniel

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