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"So" she says
"That boy"
"Which one there were five" I say doing the homework
"You know which one"
"Well I have a guess which one you might be referring to" I say
"I'm talking about well i don't really know his name but he stood next to you"
"Ohhh Daniel"
"Yeah So daniel well has he..." she says it loud and everyone turns around
"Why so loud anyways has he what" I say people don't turn around
"Well has he asked you yet"
"Yeah" when I say that she silently freaks out. My friend from across the room yells

"Wait he did. When, why didn't you tell me"
"It was last night at 2 and I wasn't going to tell you cause again it was last night at 2" I say
"Oh I see"

My teacher walks back in the room and everyone stops talking and turns around

The teacher teaches some more and we leave the class

I catch up with my friend

"Where are we going" I say
"Well we're going the long way we need to talk"
"Well first we don't have much time cause the next class is soon and we need to talk about last night"
"Okay so what do you want to know"
"What did he say, what did he do, was he nervous"
"Well he just said how he knows I know that he likes me and he just asked. And I think he was nervous"

We get to social studies and then science. Then we went to italian and art. After that school is over and we leave.

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