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We go to the car.
"What took so long" my dad asks
"Nothing just putting the chairs away" I tell him

We stop talking. We are going to a hotel this time. It's late so everyone is sleeping. I'm not as tired because of earlier when I was sleeping

I notice my dad is tired so I tell him I'll drive. We pull over and change seats. I get in the car. while I'm waiting for him to get in I close my eyes for a bit.

I hear the door shut so I open my eyes. When I open them I see Jonah

Great he better not try to talk to me. I look over to him and he's about to talk


"Jonah don't say anything I don't want to hear it"

"I'm sorry" he says

"No your not. If you were sorry that girl wouldn't have came. If you were sorry you wouldn't have told her to come. If you were sorry you wouldn't have answered the call when you knew it was her." I say to him

"No I truly sorry. I'm sorry that we didn't work out. I'm sorry that we even tried to have a relationship. I'm sorry that we ruined a friendship." He says

"What you just said shows me how much you don't care. Your "sorry that we didn't work out" what does that even mean. We didn't work out because you didn't try. Can you only last three days with someone. I get you were upset about what happened, but that doesn't mean you just get with the girl who broke the relationship. Can I remind you that it was three days" I say

"I told you I'm sorry can we please just be friends again"

"It's going to be hard. I can't even see your face without thinking of everything. I think about first meeting you, that night in the car when we had the conversation, when I figured out my actual feelings, when we both knew we liked each other, and those first three days. But after  those three days this girl comes in and ruins it. And what do you do. Bring her to the show. So no we can not be friends again." I say crying

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