Bad Reputation

261 14 3

Stormer POV

Wild World, the two words written in bold letters across my screen. This is it, the new album. Only took years in the making, however my heart was still racing with excitement. The first hour I spent listening and then began the analyzing. Let's just say the world was quick to make assumptions about plenty of things, including Amber, who was now in the spot light. The very same day though, the guys did a Q&A, maybe because of the very fact that oil on water, anchor, glory, and dare I go on, they seemed to all be able this girl. Not that I was complaining considering I admired Bastille. Though surely there would be plenty of fans upset over this and her sheer existence. I sighed and rolled over, grabbing my laptop off the nightstand by my bed and typed in the link to the Facebook live link for their Q&A. Already all the questions were centered around her and him.

Why are you dating a whore?

I bet you're dating her for merch lol right Dan?

He doesn't love her guys, she's just good to sleep with more than likely 😂 we all know our Dan.

What's she good for? Nothing?

My stomach churned at the questions popping up along the feed, obviously Danscrolled past them, but you could always see when he read one. His face scrunched up in distain as if he'd tasted a bad liquor.

"This Q&A is amazing yet awful.... Are you seeing the comments?" My roommate mumbled, walking in the room staring at her iPad.

"I can only imagine what she's feeling. Imagine bullying, but a hundred times worse.... By hundreds of people." I nearly wanted to click off the feed due to the sickness building in my stomach. Dare I say it was a relief when it ended.

Amber POV

Have you ever felt hallow? Hallow like a tree whose insides have been carved out by wild animals and left to die? My eyes scanned the comments from behind the camera every now and then Dan would give me a sympathetic look between reading and answering questions. I clicked off the device in my hand and sighed walking off the set. I knew Dan couldn't follow me and that was a blessing in itself. Only when the cold September air engulfed my body did I feel the tears sting my face. Was it shame I was feeling? I sat down on the bench and raked my hands through my hair before brushing the tears away. I hadn't realized how long I was out there till I heard the door opening.

" Amber...."

"Can you just go?" I looked to Dan, shooting a glare at your already hurt face. "None of this would be happening if it wasn't for you!" I stood closing the distance between us. "Did you consider this happening?!"

"I... I don't know.... Amber... I'm sorry." I scoffed and shook my head, pushing your hand away as it raised to brush my cheek.

"I just wanna be left alone Dan... Thank you for making me seem like such a whore.... This disappointment in your life.... Here I thought you really understood, but considering your fans and their response to the song surely your writing has failed you..." I turned from you and started walking, the cold air had already made my legs numb, but I surely wasn't facing you any more today. Dare I say the walk home was agonizing. The cold mixed with the glanced of young girls surely fans of yours making me want to cave into myself and hide. I wasn't seen for my knowledge, skills, personality. I was now seen for what I had done. My flaws. Once in our apartment I sunk to the floor and rubbed my legs with my hands in hopes for blood to once again circulated before even daring to check my phone.

Unknown: whose the bad guy now?
Amber: whose this?
Unknown: I'm sorry he almost died.
Amber: James?
Unknown: would I have done that to you? Paraded your story out to the world?
Amber: no, but you do hurt people...
James: I miss you.
Amber: you need to leave me alone... And turn yourself in.
James: IF I turn myself in, will you visit me?
Amber: what kind of question is that?
James: a serious one.... At least as a friend.
Amber: sure.

I stared at the message once it delivered and sure enough he never answered. Who knew what was going on in the mind of a maniac. I sighed and logged into Twitter, now thousands of people were following me and sure enough came the tweets.

Stormer1: leave Dan alone. Don't ruin him.
Stormer2: you should just kill yourself
Stormer3: Why would Dan date a whore like you?
Stormer4: I'm sorry all these people are assuming these songs are about you 😞 even if they are you don't deserve these comments.
Stormer 2: 🙄 your existence is ruining Bastille.
Stormer3: Dan doesn't actually want you. Don't worry everyone.

I jumped when someone yanked my phone from my hands. I hadn't even heard the door open. Yet there you were looking at me with those blue eyes that were a hint of red from probably holding back tears.

" Amber.... We'll figure this out..."

"What's there to figure out? That you just made your best friend... Girlfriend... A joke to the world." I brushed the tears away from my cheeks and lost the strength to push you away at the moment. You sat behind me, engulfing me in your arms, your head on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry.... I didn't mean for it to be like this.... I love you... I'll fix this love... I promise." I squeezed my eyes shut, wanting to fast forward through today. To forget it ever happened. Surely though, this world would make sure I never could forget it any time soon. Sometimes there is no fixing certain issues, certainly fixing something this large must be nearly impossible.

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