Whose More Crazy?

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Amber POV

He turned himself in the very next day. The only reason I knew was because the police came showing up at our door. I adjusted my glasses and shook the officers hand.


"Monroe..." I mumbled before motioning to the sofa.

"I'm officer Damon Hughes... Mr. Reed was your captor am I correct?"

" Yes..." I sat down beside you and instinctively curled at your side.

"Did you know about any other women?" I shook my head looking at the young officer.

"I was the only one in the house to my knowledge... He talked about his dead wife and that she was pregnant with his brother's baby? She died in a car accident." He sighed softly and opened up the envelope in his hands.

" She and ten other women were found in shallow graves in the backyard..." I felt frozen in the sofa, all I could hear was my heart beat in my ears. "Mr.Reed seemed to have a different... Infatuation with you however..." He sat the pictures down, I knew I was shaking by the way your fingers gently stroked my arm. Photos of my life. Photos of us walking down the street. Photos of me in highschool. Photos of me through my windows. My sweater that I thought I lost at the coffee shop, sitting on the table in the photo. A large x across Dan standing beside me. The bloody knife that James had stabbed him with sitting beside the sweater. I felt like I was going to throw up yet it was the tears the came first. He quickly gathered the photos and looked to me. " Miss Monroe... He requests to speak with you... He might confess to you."

" You... You want me to meet with that psychopath?!" I felt short of breath as you pulled me against your body. "I don't... I don't wanna go...."

"Miss Monroe... If you get him to confess.... He'll never get out... He'll be cuffed to the table. He won't be able to get to you at all...."


"Today...." I looked to you, all I saw was empathy.

"It's your choice love..." You mumbled and I took a deep breath. All those women dead. Their justice weighed on my shoulders.

"I'll.... I'll go. Dan you've gotta come with me."

" Of course..."

"Great you two can follow me to the station." The officer stood and you let me go, grabbing your keys. My stomach was churning with nerves. All of this was happening so quickly. Your hand engulfed mine as I closed my eyes.

"We'll be on the tour around the UK next month and then we've got Christmas... Relax he can't get out... We'll have fun..."

"That's easy for you to say... You don't have a psychopath in love with you..."

"I'll protect you... I promise..." You squeezed my hand slightly and I opened my eyes to see you flash a smile. The drive seemed to go by too quick. I felt like I was going to throw up with each step I took inside the station. The officer guided us to one of the many questioning rooms. I saw him through the one way glass. He looked like the man I had slept with, not the psychopathic killer. His features calm, relax, and dare I say at peace. The officer motioned to the door and I nodded slowly. My hand was shaking as I opened it, James' grin as he saw me made my heart drop in fear.

"You came! I really didn't think you would...."

"I promise didn't I?..." I sat down and pushed my chair away from the table slightly.

"You know I'm not going to hurt you... Don't act coy..." I nearly glared at him, crossing my arms.

"You held me captive..."

"You liked it... Don't lie..." He smirked and leaned forward. "You're like me.... You just don't want to admit it... You like to live on the edge.... Spread your legs for a good fuck... At the bar you were meant for me... Confident... Just as crazy as me..." I scoffed.

"I'm nothing like you..."

"Really? How so.... You heard the news... You're a whore to them... To the world... But you're something to me.... I loved you and this is what I get?"

"You killed ten women James!" I shook my head in disgust.

"I killed them for you..."

" What?"

"You knew all of them... They didn't tell you? Ten people you hated... One girl stole your jewelry..."


"Mmhmm " He sat back and smirked slightly. "One girl took your promotion."


"Bingo... The rest were minor instances."

" How long have you been watching me."

"Awhile... That's why my wife had to go... She wanted me to help her raise my brother's baby... How is Smith doing? Recovering I assume... Damn bastard had to live... You're with him just because he's got a good voice and money right... Or is it because you were going to have his baby and you feel guilty you got rid of it... I saw you... I saw you walk into that clinic... Whose baby was it? You're a killer just like me!" I felt dizzy and stood. Walking to the door. His laughter filling my ears as I heard the buzzer allowing me to yank open the door. I nearly collapsed yet you pulled me into your arms as I shook.

" Amber... Relax okay? Relax.... Breath."

" It was his! It was that monster's! I want to home! Please I just.... I can't breath!"

"Miss Monroe we got what we needed.... -" He kept talking yet I was already finding my way outside. The ice cold air sent me to grasp, sensation felt perfect in my lungs. I sat down on the bench and held my face, I wanted nothing more than to run away. Leave you to find someone good. Someone not crazy. Warm arms pulled me in and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Shhh... It's okay.... I'm...-"

"No... I should have told you... I just... I wanted to just get it over with and forget it Dan... Trust me if it was yours... I would be so happy to be its mother... I just knew it wasn't yours... The time surely didn't add up..."

"I know... I'm not angry... It's your decision to make... I just wish I could have been there for you." Maybe James what right. Maybe I was just as fucked up and crazy as him. I was a killer too, but just in a different way.

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