Fourth of July

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"LANCE!" Keith hollered out. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

"I'm sorry . . . I was just trying to help~" said the Cuban male.

"You can help by starting over there; away from the main attraction." said Keith sternly as he quickly guarded it with his hands.

"Alright, alright . . . No need to be all whiny about it. I'll just go over there instead and start making them, you loveable baby." teased Lance as he moved over to the other side.

A few moments later, Lance's scream could be heard, and Keith quickly turned to him. "Lance, what now?"

"I may or may not have gotten my hands all sticky . . . S-sorry, babe . . ." whimpered Lance. "But, it's delicious anyway so it doesn't matter." He then licked the sticky substance off of his sun kissed fingers.

"Lance! Go wash your hands! The peanut butter is supposed to be on the bread, not all over your fingers!" exclaimed Keith as he pushed his fiance to the sink.

"Fine . . . " said Lance as he turned the water on.

"At this rate, these sandwiches and cookies will be done once it's Halloween . . ." said Keith as he continued to frost the cookies. They were decorated with 4th of July themed sprinkles and red, white, and blue frosting.

"Don't worry~ there's only a couple more sandwiches to make, and that's the last cookie that needs to be frosted." said Lance, trying to reassure his fiance.

"Once we're done here, we can get the soda and then head to the park." explained the raven haired man.


Park || Tuesday Night

Keith and Lance's car pulled up into the parking lot as their friends came running towards them. Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Allura, and Coran all came together around the car.

"Took you two like 100 years to get ready." complained Pidge as she crossed her arms.

"Please tell me you brought the food~" groaned Hunk as he shook Lance.

"Yes, we did, Hunk. Don't worry about it." said Keith as he held up the picnic basket.

"Good. We already set up the blanket over there on the hill." said Allura as she pointed to the blanket.

"C'mon! The fireworks are going to start any minute now!!" exclaimed Pidge as she tugged on Shiro and Allura's clothes.

A few minutes later, the first fireworks appeared in the middle of the dark night sky.

"Hey! That one looks like a lion!!" pointed out Hunk as he nibbled on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"Hey, could you pass the cookies and soda over here, Lance?" Shrio asked.

"Yeah," replied Lance as he tossed Shiro a cookie and soda.

"Hey Keith," whispered Lance.

"Yeah Lance?"

"Turn to your right,"

"What is it that you want?"

When Keith turned over to his right as Lance told him to, Lance kissed him on the lips. Keith became flustered all of a sudden and started to mumble and whimper under his breath.

"Looks like Keith is turning into the american flag right now. He's turning red, white, and blue all over the place, ha-ha." snickered Hunk as he elbowed the flustered raven haired male.

"H-Hunk~!" exclaimed Keith as he wanted Hunk to stop teasing him.

"Love you," said Lance as he nuzzled up against the crook of Keith's neck.

"Love you too, Lance." chuckled Keith as he kissed Lance's forehead.

"Best. Fourth. Of. July. EVER." said Pidge as she took pictures of Keith and Lance spooning.

"Send that to me, Pidge." whispered Allura as she winked at her small friend.

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