Ice Skating

704 32 10

Modern AU

"WOAH!" Keith exclaimed as he fell on his bottom.
"You okay there, honey?" Lance asked, skating over to the raven haired male.
"Just fine. . ." sighed Keith as he carefully got up. But, he then fell down again as he lost his balance on the slippery ice.
"You sure?" smirked Lance, giving a smug grin to Keith.
"Oh, shut up," chuckled the pale man as he reached out for his fiance's hand.

Lance reached Keith's hand reassuringly, and then wrapped his long arms around his waist. The purple-eyed man flushed a light pink as he felt Lance tighten his grip around his waist.

"I'll be Jack, if you'll be Rose~" whispered Lance into Keith's ear.

All Keith did was spread his arms outs. Lance grabbed them gently as he nuzzled his nose up against Keith's rosy cheek. The raven haired man giggled at his fiance's actions. They weren't looking where they were headed, so the two men ended up falling on the ice.

"We're some graceful ballerinas, aren't we?" chuckled Lance.
"The most graceful," laughed Keith.
"C'mon, I'll show you how to do something cool," said Lance as he got up from the cold ice. Keith followed him instantly.

Lance took out his phone, and put on the song, Stay Close to Me. Once he did, he began skating to the rhythm and the program that went with it. First, he spun around a few times in a circle, then performed a Lutz. Then a Salchow. Up next, Lance skated an Axel. For a couple of moments, the Cuban male went on his left leg to spin around before doing a Waltz Jump.

Lance then performed a loop soon afterwards. After the loop, he did a double Salchow as he landed on his left foot. Next up was a toe loop, another Salchow came after that. Then, Lance did yet another double Salchow. The brown haired man then went on his left leg again to spin like earlier. He skated around the rink a bit more with skating back and forth, and for his big finale, Lance crossed his arms forming an 'x', with his head faced towards the ceiling of the rink.

Keith just stood there with wide eyes. Lance skated over to him as he put his phone away.

"How was-" Lance got cut off by Keith.
"THAT WAS AMAZING!!" Keith exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Lance.
"Heh-heh, thanks. . ." replied Lance.
"Where was that from anyway? It seems familiar. . ." said Keith as he rubbed his chin.
"It was from Yuri!!! On Ice. . ." gulped Lance.

Lance knew Keith didn't like anime all that much like he did, so he was a bit scared about Keith's reaction.

"Uh, K-Keith?" squeaked Lance. "You okay?"
"Yeah. . . I'm only letting this slide because it was so beautiful. . ." sighed Keith.
"You know. . . There's a duet version of this~" smirked Lance.
"Shall we skate it?" asked Keith as he chuckled silently.
"We shall~" answered Lance.


For the next few hours, Keith and Lance practiced skating Stay Close to Me (duet version) until they perfected it like Viktor (Victor) and Yuri (Yuuri).

"Okay, then I pick you up, like this," said Lance as he picked up his fiance.
"Then I touch your cheek with my hand," smiled Keith.
"That's quite cheeky of you, Keith." giggled Lance.

Keith's face went white and then he dropped Lance's hand.

"Nope, goodbye. We're not going to do this if you're going to make dumb puns. Good day Lance. You're sleeping on the couch tonight." said Keith as he left his fiance back at the skating rink.
"KEITH!! I'M SORRY!!" hollered Lance, reaching his arm out. "STAY CLOSE TO ME, KEITH!!"
"Love you too~!" said Lance, his sweat dropping.

Keith was annoyed by Lance at the moment, but he still loved him nevertheless.

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