Obsessive ( Harry Styles fan fiction )

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" how about him?"Sarah asks.
" no he's to short". I answered.
" him?"she points to a nice tall man reading a magazine.
" he's to tall" I size up his height, he was taller then 6ft.
" Rebecca how are we suppose to find someone if your going to be so picky. You should at least give these people a chance. I've gave you easily more then 15 to choose from" Sarah's complaints annoyed me and I knew she wouldn't stop.
" fine, find someone decent and I'll go talk to them" she looked around until I saw her eyes stop on someone.
" him" she pointed at a tall tan guy with his hair combed back into a pony tale.
" but he's -"
" you said you would do it now go" she gave me a little nudge and I began to walk towards him. He was looking at nice shoes in one of the stores.
" hey" I said and looked up at him, but he didn't look or even move.
" hello" I poked his shoulder and he turned and faced me.
" hello" I said again. I probably looked funny poking a random persons shoulder just to say hello.
" do I know you" he asked. He was rather rude person that I didn't want to be my next boyfriend.
" sorry I mistaken you for someone else" I walked back to Sarah, shaking my head.
" so how did it go"
" he was.... Ughh.... Deaf." That was the first excuse that popped in my mind."Pick someone else" I quickly said.
" we'll that sucks, I don't see any hearing aids on him" she was catching on to me.
" not all deaf people have hearing aids"
" fine how about... Him" I looked in her direction. There was a cute guy. He was a fair height, brown curly hair, he even had dimples that I could see from where I was standing.

Searching for guys in a mall was Sarah's idea. I thought it was stupid and useless. I still do.

I walked up to this gorgeous guy and as I got closer his green eyes got more visible. I didn't know how to greet myself, I wasn't going to tap on his shoulder, that was for sure. I wasn't paying attention to anything around me but him. I was so zoned out that I just managed to trip over my own feet. Well I thought it was my feet but when I hit the ground there was a kid there crying.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I-I- I didn't even see you." I didn't know what to do. The kid seemed about 4. He would cry louder and louder. I looked over and saw Sarah laughing at me. I got up and lifted the little boy up. "Where's your mom." Was I really expecting an answer. I was surprised when I got it.
" what are you doing with my son" A big middle age women said. You could see grey streaks in her natural brown hair. She was definitely not a size zero.

" he was.... Ugh" I didn't have time with this lady" take care of your kid okay" I said. I walked in the cute guys direction but he obviously saw the whole thing and I didn't have to start the conversation.
" she's pretty pissed, she's giving you her evil eye" my back was facing her so I couldn't see her. And I didn't want to turn around to see eyes glaring at me. But instead I stared into his perfectly green eyes. A smile formed on my face and I looked at the ground.
" you saw all that" I asked. This time he smiled, revealing his flawless dimples.
" I'm pretty sure everyone saw" he laughed and I decided to laugh with him.
" I'm Rebecca" I held my hand out. When i meet new people I usually wait for them to introduce them selves first but I couldn't wait.
" Harry" he shook me hand. His accent was so charming. Why couldn't I have an accent. I've always thought accents were hott, especially British ones.

We stood in awkward silence since neither of us knew what to say. Until he broke it.
" we'll I better get going my mum is waiting for me in the parking lot" he did a last cheeky smile. " hope to see you around" then he left. I watched as he walked or fast walked away. I really hope the ' my mom is waiting' wasn't just a excuse to get rid of me. I always think of the worst. I turned around to see that that lady's face was way to close to mine.
" your lucky I don't call the cops on you."
" for what? Tripping over your son. I'm pretty sure the police wouldn't do anything, your the one over reacting. Now please get out of my face" I wasn't the kind of person that took crap from someone. I stood up for myself. I wasn't afraid of much. The lady backed up a bit. I walked around her and back to Sarah.
" wow that lady's crazy. Let's get out of here." I grabbed Sarah's wrist and started walking toward the door.
" that was Fuckin funny" she laughed.
" what part when I tripped over the kid or when that lady got all up in my face" I asked.
" no when the guy was the one to say goodbye after 3 minutes of bonding" she kept laughing.
" he said his mom was waiting for him outside."
" what a lame excuse. Sorry Becca but I don't think he was into you. He might just like blonds better," Sarah twirled her long bright blond hair around her finger. She was probably right. Not about the blond hair thing but that he probably wasn't into me. I mean Sarah is way prettier then I am. My hair was wavy and light brown, Sarah's was naturally curly bright blond hair. I was in fashion and updated with the newest trends but Sarah just looked better in most of them. The only thing me and Sarah shared was that we both wear braces. We always make them the same color so were matching.

When we got out the door I headed towards Sarah's car. I couldn't drive yet, I'm 16 but I can't pay for classes. Sarah is also 16 but she comes from a wealthy family. We got in the car and Sarah yells " REBECCA LOOK."
I look out the front window and I see Harry with some guys who must be his friends, walk out the door. Sadness took over me. His mom was no where in sight.

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