chapter 1

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Late one night Viktor Nikiforov, the famed figure skater from Russia sat up in bed and sighed as his room lit up with lightning from the storm outside.

He looked at the clock which read 3:00 am, he sighed as he stood running his hand through his silver hair and walked to the balcony of his apartment in downtown St .Petersburg "that same nightmare...", for the last few months he had been having the same nightmare every night. Thinking about the Nightmare he sighed, that was the last time he had ever seen his parents, that night in the ally.

He was a young boy walking with his parents down an old alley, of course when he was a child, Russia was still part of the Soviet Union, which meant most children had to work, however his parents had done the unthinkable, they were trying to smuggle him out of the country to family that lived in Paris.

"Vitya! Hurry up! If the solders catch us-" his father stopped in the middle of his sentence, the soldiers had in fact found them, his father was standing in front of his wife and son in an attempt to protect his family " you can kill me if you wish...but please I beg of you...spare my wife and our s-" a loud gunshot echoed through the alley, his father's body dropping to the snow covered ground like a sandbag, his mothers scream soon following " RUN! VITYA!" she yelled as the soldiers grabbed her and laughed.

He ran as fast as his little legs could go, tears streaming down his face, he could hear his mothers cries as the men had their way with her, the image of his father's dead body fresh in his mind.

The thunder and lightning snapped him back to the present, he slowly touched his cheek, he was crying.
he wiped his face as he stared out over the sleeping city, he hadn't allowed himself to cry in nearly 20 years, but still warm tears were streaming down his face, he took a calming breath and closed his blue eyes thinking back to his child hood.

He ran and ran turning down random streets and alleys praying the soldiers wouldn't be able to find him. Soon what felt like hours passed and yet he was still running well past the edge of the city , he tripped over a raised tree root and fell into the snow covered path but he just laid there sobbing, he didn't care if he froze, he didn't care if he was wet , he didn't care about anything, his body was numb, he just wanted his mama and papa back. Soon the dark night sky turned to its bright grey as daylight arrived , he was still laying in the snow, but he had cried himself to sleep.

A traveller had found him laying in the snow , he gently lifted him and brought him to a nearby work house for children with out families. The man that was in charge looked the cold child over, he was perfect . he nodded and paid the traveler that brought him then smirked "what's your name boy" he asked in a gruff yet demanding tone, Viktor looked up at the new man he was to report to "m-my name i-is...Vitya N-Nikiforov" he was clearly scared as he stood in front of this man shivering.

The man chuckled " not anymore, you will be known as Suka, am I understood!" Viktor's eyes widened at his new name , Suka meant slut in Russian, that alone told him what his job would be. He nodded silently as the man escorted him to a room with showers and dull work clothes " shower and get dressed. I want this room left exactly as it is now. When you have finished, come find me and ill have your first task ready" he laughed again before leaving him alone.

Once again he was snapped back to the present, the sky no longer dark but a pale pink, the storm had passed and the sun was rising, he turned to head back inside but stopped seeing his Boyfriend standing in the doorway with his luggage. He didn't know what to say since he didn't know Yuuri was coming to see him , he was shocked, he still had tears streaming down his face and he looked like he hadn't slept in months " Y-Yuuri...w-what..." was all he managed to whisper.

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