Chapter 7

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Yuuri bit his lip as he thought about the trick that has ended namouras skating careers then nodded "I'll do it. With this I can beat Luke" he had a new fire in his eyes, pure determination.
Viktor nodded "Yuuri...just...please don't hurt yourself. This trick is deadly."

Luke sat in his hotel room and smirked as he thought about the challenge, he knew you would win "try all you want Yuuri Katsuki, Viktor will be mine" he laughed darkly as he looked at a photo of Viktor skating.

His coach bit her lip as she watched him, she had always felt like he would be like this when he finally met Viktor.

Viktor and Yuuri had gone to the local ice rink to start training, he only had a couple months to master the triple back flip, Viktor laced up Yuuri's skates making sure they were tight then looked up at him "we'll start by mastering a single backflip while skating first"

Yuuri nodded and stood moving to the ice and starting his warm up while Viktor laced up his own skates.

Soon Viktor stood on the ice "alright Yuuri, pay close attention, I may only be able to pull this off once" he started to skate and gain speed before moving so he was skating backwards then pushed off and did a perfect backflip landing on his right foot "now you try".

Yuuri nodded and moved gaining speed but his foot slipped before he could push off causing him to fly into the wall "damn..." he stood slowly, not being one to quit he started to gain speed again this time when he pushed off he did a back flip, it was perfect and flawless "I did it Viktor!" he grinned as he came to a stop in front of his coach and his lover.

Viktor nodded and grinned "yes that was perfect Yuuri, now do it again and again until you don't even have to think about it. Once you can do that, we will add in a second flip" he wanted to make sure Yuuri didn't get hurt doing this trick.

Yuuri nodded and continued to do single back flips repeatedly until it became second nature to him, at this point they had been there for hours and he was exhausted but he didn't want to stop, not yet.

Viktor glared at him noticing his exhaustion he sighed and moved off the ice "Yuuri, that's enough for today, you need to rest other wise you will get hurt"

Yuuri stopped and moved to the wall "but Viktor...if I don't master this...he will take you from me! I don't want to lose you!"

" you won't lose me! I'd rather you lose a silly contest then your career! I love you Yuuri, but I don't want to see you hurt yourself over some pathetic no name skater!" he sighed and pushed his silver hair from his face, his eyes were full of tears "Yuuri...please...just...stop for tonight..."

Yuuri saw the tears threatening to spill over "V-Viktor...-" he slowly skated off the ice and went to him hugging him tightly, he hadn't realized how much he meant to him "I'm sorry...I didn't...mean to make you cry, let's continue this tomorrow" Viktor nodded and wiped his eyes with his sleeve "alright" he sniffled and moved to take off his skates.

Luke laughed having been spying on Yuuri to see what he would do to try and keep Viktor "so, your going to master a triple backflip hm" he whispered to himself and grinned "l will just have to do one better, a quadruple backflip. You will be mine Viktor Nikiforov" he smirked as he snuck out of the rink and returned to his hotel room.

Several months had passed since Yuuri began training for the triple back flip, it was now competition day and he was confident, he was not going to lose. He had his headphones in as he walked towards the ice where Luke was grinning. He had been training for the back flip as well but he hadn't fully mastered it like Yuuri had.

Viktor walked next to Yuuri and spotted Luke "if you lose today I expect you to leave my skater alone" he said as he glared at him "I don't care if you are a fan of mine. By doing this you have jeopardized my happiness" he walked past him stopping at Yuuri and smiling "you will win Yuuri, I know you will"

The announcer came over the PA "Today we have a competition between Yuuri Katsuki and Luke Hart. The skater to score the most points will win. Yuuri Katsuki will skate first"

Viktor nodded to Yuuri and took his jacket "remember Yuuri...keep a calm head and focus on the trick not on Luke", Yuuri nodded and stepped on to the ice starting a short program that was worked around the trick.

Luke watched him a smug look on his face, he laughed trying to make Yuuri lose focus but it didn't work. Yuuri continued to skate doing spins and quads then he gained speed switching to a backwards skate then he pushed off doing three back flips in a row before coming to a finishing pose.

The audience cheered and threw roses on to the ice for him, he looked to Luke and smirked as he skated off the ice to Viktor and hugged him tightly "I did it...I really did it" he mumbled into his lovers chest
the announcer s voice filled the room again " Yuuri Katsuki's score has been determined 508.9 for technique and a stunning 910.8 for execution for a total of 1,419.7!"

Viktor looked at Yuuri in shock " that's the highest score any skater has ever gotten Yuuri! You did great!"
Luke made a fist and took the ice he wasn't going to let him win, Viktor would be his.
He started his short program but he wasn't focused on his skating he was watching Yuuri which caused him to screw up the most basic flips and spins but still he attempted the quadruple backflip, unfortunately he didn't fully master it and he severely injured his back, he cried out in pain as he laid on the ice medical personal rushing to him.

Viktor stood there watching the medics carefully move Luke off the ice "Yuuri, that is why I wanted you to take your time mastering this move. Because Luke was angary that he was losing he attempted a trick he was not trained for and that has now ended his career as a figure skater.

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