Chapter 6

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Yay, it only took a year. I'm sorry. Also did I ever mention that Jason is Ross Lynch with nerd glasses.
"What do you mean she wants to meet me?" A confused Jason questions as him and Max sit on the Thunderman's main couch.

"She told me that she knows and she wants to meet you. Chelsie wants to meet you and she didn't sound mad, malicious, or antagonistic, so I feel like we can meet her." Max said softly.

"You trust her?" Jason queries.


"Do you trust her. Because if you trust her than I do because I don't think, no I don't believe that you could steer me wrong and I trust you enough to trust the people that you trust. So do you trust her?" Jason replies with conviction.

"Yes. I did. But now not so much." Max said.


"Cause you just reminded me that I'm supposed to trust her with you. That she'll keep a secret that will affect you and I don't trust anybody with you. You're the first person I've really connected with and-and if something happened to you, or somebody started messing with you, or if someone hurt you then-" He was cut off by a pair of lips on his own.

"Do you really feel that way Max?" Jason asked. One hand still on his lover's cheek.

Max looked into Jason's eyes. Tears cascading down his face, leaning his head into the other's touch.

"Yes." He replied nodding his head. "Yes I do."  As he was drawn in closer by some magnetic force.

"I know Maxie. I know." He said before kissing him once more. Then again, and again.

"So I'm not going to meet her?" Jason asked.

"No." Max responded, "Not until I know, and I mean really know."

"You really think I'm that innocent don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I can still read your mind Max."

"No, I know that. I mean what do you mean, of course I think you are. I thought I was bad and I learned that I really was because when I saw the embodiment of goodness I realized that I am nothing like him. I am nothing like you. And I want to be good, I do so maybe one day I'll atone for what I've done, and I'll deserve you." Max confessed, as he begun to weep on his boyfriends shoulder.

"Max. I'm not some deity on a pedestal. Of course you deserve me. And Max you're not that mad, there is nothing to atone for."

"That's what you think." He whispered.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You don't know what I've done."

"What do you mean Maxie?" Jason said with interest and fear lacing each and every word which exited his mouth.

"I-I can't tell you or you'll hate me."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I can't tell you. But you do trust me, right?"

"Yes." He kissed Max again. "Yes."

"Then it's easier to show you. Take my hand and close your eyes. I'm about to change your world." Max said taking Jason's cheek into his hand. Looking deeply into those lovely blue eyes, and finally planting a heavy kiss onto those love able pink lips that could form into a smile fit for a king.

"And I hope you don't hate me for it." He said as he pulled away. And with that, and a bright flash of light, they were gone.

Hey guys guess who's back. Well I've pretty much changed the plot to suit my more evolved writing style and I hope you guys enjoy. There will be more soon.

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