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Ally's pov

One week later

"You tried a cigarette?!" Gena about choked on her tea, her green eyes widening as she spoke. "And you didn't even tell me?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, I did. Ryan and his friend talked me into it. Didn't take them very long, they were convincing. And it isn't like it happened a long time ago or something, it was last Saturday."

She raised an eyebrow at me, "They were convincing or the cute boy Ryan is friends with had a convincing face."

"Maybe he had a convincing little smirk, okay? But it doesn't even matter because they've been friends for a while and that was the first time he's even come over, so I doubt seeing Calum will be a regular thing." I said as I hurriedly typed my paper during study hall. This was the last hour of the day and I was just ready to head home, preferably with no homework for the weekend. "I haven't seen or heard from him since then."

"Wait, did you say Calum?" Gena stared at me intensely, "Calum who?"

"I think his last name is Hood." I nodded, "Yeah, yeah, that sounds right. Calum Hood."

"What about Calum Hood?" My friend Ashton said as he walked up to our small table.

Gena is my best friend. She's almost a stereotypical ginger, it's one of the main things I choose to make jokes about. Red hair, green eyes, but the only thing she's missing is the freckles. Her lack of freckles is something I've always envied because I am practically one huge walking freckle. My mom used to make jokes and say that we got each other's skin on accident, and now we're two halves of the same person so that's why we're best friends. Ashton was Gena's boyfriend, and also one of my good friends, I introduced them in grade 10 and they'd been going out for a year or so now. He had wavy light brown hair that always kind of looked like bed head to me, and these ridiculous hazel-green eyes that put people to shame. I remember I had a huge crush on him from grade 6 to grade 9, but then I got to high school and all the other boys had hit puberty and suddenly Ashton wasn't the only cute boy to me.

"Allyson thinks he's cute." Gena scoffed as she scooted over for Ashton to sit next to her.

"He's a drop out!" Ashton basically yells, causing some people to look up from their computers or books to look at us. "Sorry." He whispers

"It isn't even like I like him, I just think he's cute. You can think someone is cute without liking them or wanting to date them." I whispered to the two of them, "Fuck, I used to think you were cute before I introduced you guys." I said motioning towards Ashton. Gena gave me a look, "I'm just trying to make a point keep your acrylics on. Like I said, I don't think seeing him will be an everyday thing. Neither will the cigarettes so chill the hell out."

"He's a dead beat, Ally. Please just don't get involved with the drop out druggie okay?" Gena crossed her arms, "No more involved than you already are, I should say."

The bell rang letting us out for the day and we quickly packed our things. I walked a couple steps ahead of Ashton and Gena as they headed out to Ashton's car. I hated when they did that couple thing, mainly because I hadn't had a boyfriend in a couple years and at this point I was just getting bitter about it. I opened the front door of the school and finally joined the two love birds as we stepped outside. Gena grimaced.

"Ally, looks like someone is here for you." Gena says under her breath as she looks to the ground, "Look towards all the trees on your right."

Sure enough, I look up and who's there? Leaning up against one of the trees, a cigarette in his mouth; is none other than Calum Hood.  I look over to Gena and Ashton, "I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay?"

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