Somthing new and somthing evil

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Toboe P.O.V

It's been two days since ___ came to talk to me. ____ said he would be back once he got everything planned for the big escape. It seems like its taking to long then what he said we should of been out of here yesterday at nightfall. Maybe even sooner than that if he finished faster I may not being able to help. Since I am still bound to this stupid bed they got me in. The Hale pack member Stiles has been dropping off bye here every day. With meals and sometimes for nothing but talking for hours of why don't you talk Toboe. Or come on Toboe you know its me you Papa. I know he is trying to play a trick on me though he is not going to get to me.

Besides Stiles a few other people have came down here. This man has came down he seems like one of us but his hair changes color every time I get him mad. Then there is this little girl she was scared of me at first. But now she bugs me by telling me story's of princesses and junk. Like I told her to leave me alone but she wont listen at all. She is a determined little one I have to say she just wont take no for a answer. But her visits have been quite nice I must say her little story's are nice after you get use to them. Just I wish she would talk about something else than stupid princesses.

Lastly we have the boy from the first night. I am not sure who he is really at all. But I can tell he is scared of me when I show off my teeth. I may be part wolf but I still got my teeth to prove it all. He comes here almost everyday right before the Stiles guy comes. He tells me that I shouldn't be here at all. Well he is right I shouldn't be here at all. I am meant to be back home with my family and pack they need me.

Hopefully Papa and Dad are getting ready to come and get me. I hope they still caught my scent from there to here. Then I can show that boy that they are coming for me my pack will be here to bring me back home. Just like they promised me that we will always be together not just as a pack but as family. That's what we are taught growing up that pack is one thing but we are not just one huge pack. We are also family we stick together and fight together until the end of our own time. Even when worse comes to worse we will always fight.

That was the first thing my Dad taught me when I learned to speak. Told me to never forget what we are and to never forget where I come from. Papa taught me something different though told me one important thing. When you find your mate don't care if its male or female you were meant to be together. I didn't understand what a mate was until now but I still haven't found my mate yet I don't care what he or she looks like. We were made for one another that's all that matters now.

"I know your there boy I can smell you from here." I said staring at the ceiling for the last few hour. Some times in the day some one would stand at the door and wait. I get annoyed with it since the fear coming off of them smells so bad. It's not like I am going to hurt them like seriously I can barely move as it is with these stupid restraints holding me down. Hearing the small sweep of the door on the carpet I moved my head to the side to see the same small boy.

"Ah it's you ummm Eric I believe." I said to him waiting for a response from him. Smiling at me he nodded his head before sitting right next to my legs on the bed. He doesn't speak I could tell he could since well I don't know how actually. I just get this felling that he cant when I first meet him yesterday. He was holding a whiteboard in one hand and a marker in the other.

"Eric why are you afraid of coming in here. I could smell the fear rolling off of you from the door. I cant hurt you so why are you afraid?" I asked siting up a little well not to much. The bed stood straight just like in a hospital so I was sitting up the whole time. He began writing something on his bored before filliping it over so I could see it.

"I just didn't want to disturber you so I am afraid that I will. Or maybe you dont want to see anyone at that moment. "

Eric was a sweet kid you could tell from how he acts and the way he presents himself. It was really adorable to me made a smile creep onto my face. He looked confused at first not sure what to do. But in the end he gave me back a sweet smile I really liked his smile. It was kind and sweet to me he seemed like the only one in this place that really cared for me. Of course that Stiles guy feeds me but he just seems more distant. Eric here he actually cares for me than the others I wonder know.

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