Let's go back to where it went wrong

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Issac P.O.V

"That would be me." The voice said to us both as we snapped our neck's towards the direction. Standing there was a young boy, I have never seen him in my whole life who exactly is he but he did look familiar almost. Mostly those eyes they were that blue icy kind they seemed like I had seen them before, like I knew him. He looked like the boy who gave me a ride back here but that boy was a few years older than him. He was wearing such strange clothing it looked like nothing of day's century, he looked almost like he was from when my Grandfather was young. He wasn't looking at us at all, like he had no care about us both just that stupid box. Why did he need it though how could he know about the box anyways plus I don't have a back door it's blocked off with barrels and wood since I was a kid. The only logical and possible way for him to get in is through the front door, but I lock that thing every time I come into the house. Like an animal could come in so I am not actually going to let the door unlocked. We had a fire but that was on so how did he get in here? Ugh I seriously hate questions like these it's like explaining to someone how to spell your last name that is long and strange. (This situation happens to me every time in a public pace. If this happens to you well you understand what I mean.)Or when you trying to help someone use the internet for the first time like when Stiles explained it to me, he said he would throw me out the window if I ask another question.

"Riley what are you doing here?" Jack said holding my hand tight with his, he was now in his dam protective mood. Ugh why, it's not like I hate it or anything but its hard having a protective boyfriend like at least Jack isn't as protective as Derek is with Stiles. Boy I have no clue how he can live with him I can barely give him a hug without Derek wanting to rip me to pieces. How does Jack know him though? Maybe they had meet each other after I left? Riley just stood there smiling at Jack like a snake, he moved forwards towards us slowly and elegant. Like a 3 time champion in a talent show or a dog show. He went up to Jack face smiling before kissing him gently on the cheek, my eyes widen tears on the brake to come. I didn't know what was going on in that moment everything stopped for me, the next thing I noticed Riley and I were on the ground my hand up in the air ready to beat the shit out of this stupid face. I could Jack telling me to stop as he was trying to pull me off, while Riley laded on the ground laughing like a psycho. How was this making him happy I am literal beating the shit out of his face. Punch after punch I didn't stop I couldn't I was just so angry I couldn't stop, it was like my self was here watching everything while my wolf was the one in control at the moment. Punch after punch I still didn't feel satisfied, Jack was ripping me off of him as soon as my arm was in the air again he grabbed me holding me tight against his chest as he whispered to me in my ear telling me that he is just trying to hurt you. Well that is an understatement I already felt myself breaking down once more from pain, just like that night I left Jack I felt alone and scared he never loved me but he does I know he would never hurt me ever again I just know it for a fact.

"Well I think I overstayed my welcome now." Riley spoke getting up dusting off his pants off like there were dirt on them, oh please my house is clean and it's the middle of the dame winter it's not like its spring and I roll around in the ground with the children here. I am not some dirty animal at all I am a clean person who sometimes likes to play in the mud. Riley picked up the box that feel out of his hands when we were on the floor. Smiling at us both once more he touched the wall looking at it for a while before turning back looking at us both in the eyes.

"Oh when you see Stiles, tell him the boy is next." He said before vanishing into the wall, once he said those words it hit me like a brick wall. He was going after Toboe I just know it, we have to go to Stiles and Derek. Hopefully he hasn't involved them yet, wait what the hell am, I thinking of course he brought them into it. How could I be so stupid I should have stayed and helped protect them all, instead of running off like a baby. If only I had stayed maybe I could have prevented any of this to happen in the first place. I turned my head quickly towards Jack grabbing his hand and dragging him outside with a confused look on his face. I dragged him like a child in a store to the back of the house where his bike was covered in a sheet. I used my other hand and threw it off the bike, I was like so done at this point that I pushed Jack to the bike pointing at it. Lucky for me he had gotten the message nice and clear. Jack got onto the bike putting on a helmet as I went behind him holding him around the waist, no helmet for me I can heal so I really don't see the need for such a contraption.

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