The boy from the asylum

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Jimmy P.O.V

I watched in pure horror at my mate's lifeless body on the ground. The blade slowly disappearing from inside him. I never got to tell him I loved him before he died the last think I said was his name as he fell dead. As he was stolen from me forever. My mate was truly dead now and it wasn't a dream this time. I could feel our connection disappear as he took his last breath. I felt my own heart braking slowly into a million pieces after each passing second as I stared at him. How could he how could he kill him his own friend how could he kill my Loki? Loki the one person I truly loved more than anything in this world, he just had to die. I could feel no other reason why to stay on this pathetic place anymore. Loki was the only reason why i stayed alive without my love I have no reason anymore.

The pain I feel in my chest didn't stop I just wanted Riley or William or whoever the hell he is to just kill me. Why can't he just kill me already, end my suffering I cant live I don't want to live anymore. Please someone just end it all let me be with my Loki once more. Let me see his beautiful smile, he green eyes, his black hair that looks like the night sky as the stairs danced on it. Slowly picking up my head facing my hate once more. He just stood there looking at my Loki with a smile on his stupid f***ing face, for the first time in my life I never wanted to see someone dead with there f***ing head in my hand.

"Aw is my little boy said his mate is dead." He said looking me dead in the eyes, while walking over to me and grabbing a full hand of my hair in his hand. Baring my teeth at him I growled at his stupid face making his little smile turn into a face full of pain and anger.

"I see you got your father's ability's as well." He said letting go of my hair whipping his head around, as he walked across the room to where Loki's chair was and dragging it a few inches away from me. Sitting down crossing his legs right in front of him, while placing his arms over his chest.

"What a pity I truly hoped you wouldn't get his ability's. He was a monster after all, after everything he did to us." He said looking down, still what he hell is this guy saying he is not my father. My father left my mother when I was little he is dead now.

"If you were my father then why the hell would you kill my mate. MY MATE LOKI, WHY THE HELL DID YOU KILL HIM." I said screaming more towards the end of my sentence. If he actually was my father he would have never kill my mate. He would be happy like a father should be, thus proving me right that he is not my father, he is just some crazy teenager.

"Please don't raise your voice at me young man. I'am doing you a favor my son, he would of ended just like your other bloody father. HE WOULD OF LEFT YOU ALL ALONE AND BRAKE HIS PROMISE. HE MADE ME THIS WAY. HE DID THIS TO ME I LOST EVERYTHING CAUSE I FOUND MY F***ING MATE!!!" He said screaming while pointing at Loki. I could see he looked like he was about to cry. His eyes had that glossy coat and his breath kept hitching.

"So if you really are my father if that is true. Who is he who is this man that ruined everything? Plus how could you be your like 16 years old, and why would you think Loki would end up like him?"

"His name was Luke, he was my mate as well as your father. Ah he was a beautiful man his eyes showed me hope. His smile set me free, he was perfect beyond anything. Except nothing in this word is perfect he was a monster a demon sent into my world. Just like you he was half spirit and hellhound that's why you were diffrent from everyone. That's why you are able to have a mate as well. If you weren't half hell hound you wouldn't have one at all. Luke stole my heart just like how Loki stole yours. Except he destroyed my and never gave it back to me. To answer your other question, yes I look like I am 16 year's old. Except I am not my real age well, I am suppose to be dead since my excact age is 159 years old. It would be best if I explain everything from the beginning when it all started." He said none of that can be true. No one can live that long only vampires except they all died 3 hundred decades ago. So it was completely impossible .

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