Chp 7: The Underground

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Frisk's P.O.V
I woke up in a bed of buttercups, every part of my body ached.

I slowly stood up and I looked up, I seen a hole at the top.

I was in the underground, I started to think back of what happend.

I actually escaped, I did it but I then realized that I wasn't where I was supposed to be.

I looked around and seen a little entrance 'well this is the only way I can go..welp! Time to explore' I thought.

I walked through the entrance and seen a little patch of grass with a light shining on it.

I walked a little closer and then a flower popped up from the grass, I jumped and looked at the flower.

It had yellow petals, a white head (a white middle? Idk) and it had a face on it.

All of a sudden it started talking.."Howdy, I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower" Flowey introduced himself.

I didn't want to be rude so I introduced myself as well "I'm Frisk, nice to meet you too"

"Nice to meet ya too, you must be new to the underground. You must be sooo confused" he said

"Well...kinda.." I answerd

"Someone has to teach ya how things work down here, I guess little o'l me will have to do" he said

My soul appeard infront of me, my red soul.

"..This is your soul, now if you look you have a fight button, an act button and a mercy button. Those are the different options you have when your in a fight. As you can see you have your HP, DF and LV, what's LV? Its love of course! Here I'll help ya get more L.O.V.E." he explained

He summoned these little white things "These are called Friendliness pellets, these help you gain more L.O.V.E. Collect as many as you can!" He said

He started to throw them at me and of course I touched one..I made a huge mistake..

It hurted alot and when I looked at my HP I seen I had 1/20HP, I gasped and looked at flowey.

He was looking very creepily at me "Y.O.U  I.D.I.O.T, I.N  T.H.I.S  W.O.R.L.D  I.T.S  K.I.L.L  O.R  B.E  K.I.L.L.E.D" he said evily

He surrounded me in the friendliness pellets, the friendliness pellets started to move closer and closer.

I was absolutely terrified, I panicked and tryed to find a way to escape but there was no way to escape.

I didn't look, I was ready to be killed but I didn't get hit.

I was confused so I looked around and I seen that flowey and the friendliness pellets were gone.

I sighed in relief and I seen a goat lady, she must've been the one who saved me.

"You poor child, what a horrible being attacking such innocent youth" she said worriedly

"Hello my dear child, my name is Toriel. I am the care taker of the ruins" she said sweetly

"I-Im Frisk, its nice to meet y-you" I said shyly

"Its nice to meet you too my dear child. Here, I will lead you through the ruins" she said with a Gentle smile

I felt very calm and safe around her so I agreed to follow her, she held my hand and we started to walk together.

She explained what the ruins were like, she teached me how to do the puzzles.

She led me to this dummy "this is how you shall practice fighting or sparing, please use mercy" she explained

My soul appeared in front of me again and I looked at the dummy, I pressed the act button and complimented the dummy

"Ya know the dummy can't hear ya" a familiar voice said in my head

The mercy button lit up and I pressed it, I spared the dummy and Toriel looked very proud.

She held her hand out and I grabbed her hand again and we continued walking.

                      -time skip brought to you by Temmie-

Summer: looks around* I don't see tem-
Temmie: HOI!!!!!!!!!
Summer: face palm* aanndd I jinxed myself
Temmie: ^_^
Summer: XD ok back to the story!
Temmie: ok BOI!!!!---

I arrived at her house all by myself, I've spared alot of monsters along the way.

Then I seen Toriel walk out of her house and she looked surprised to see me.

"Oh my dear child, I didn't expect you to come here by yourself. Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" She asked worriedly

"What? No don't worry, I didn't get hurt" I explained

"Ok my child, I'm glad your safe" she said gladly

"Come on in, you look very tired and very hungry" she exclaimed

"Yeah I am" I said kinda tiredly

She led me into her house, it looked very cosy.

She showed me where all the different rooms are and she showed me my room.

There was some clothing hanging up and I seen some shoes but I don't think they will fit me.

"What's that burning smell?..its the pie! I'll be right back my child" she said in a rush and with that she ran out of my room and into the kitchen

I yawned and I decided to lay down for awhile, so I walked over to the bed and layed down.

I felt my eyes go heavy so I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Toriel's P.O.V
I finished the pie and cut a slice for my child, I put the slice of pie on a plate and I grabbed a fork.

I grabbed the plate with the slice of pie on it and went to her room, I peeked in and seen that she was sleeping.

I walked into her room and placed the pie and the fork on a nightstand that was beside her bed, then I walked over to her bed.

I pulled the blankets over her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Goodnight my child, I love you" I whispered

"I zzz love you zzz too mom" she said half asleep

I smiled and walked out of her room and I quietly closed the door behind me.


Well another chapter done!
Don't worry! I'm not dead!....yet XD
I may take requests who knows.
I will be making another book about an AU that I might be making.
Artsy gave me that nickname sooo thanks sprinkle face!!! XD
Total words used: 1074

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