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Dr. Moreau led the pair to a hospital room, the same one that held a sleeping Hallie, only under because of a heavy dose of anesthesia. "We had to put her under in preparation for surgery." Dr. Moreau explained. "It appears to be her appendix. We'll be taking her in for surgery within the next hour." Chris sighed, sitting down in a chair, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Alex cleared her throat. "I didn't approve a surgery." She said.

"In this case, it has to be done. If Hallie's appendix ruptures, she could suffer some serious injury, and possibly even death," Dr. Moreau said. "Do you have insurance?"

Alex nodded. "I do."

Dr. Moreau nodded. "You're gonna need it."

Chris took it upon himself to sit on the hospital bed, right beside Hallie. He took her tiny hand in his large one. "When is she going in?" He asked. Dr. Moreau looked at his charts.

"In about fifteen minutes, so the anesthesia has time to take affect." He said. Without another word, he left the room. Silence followed for the next twelve minutes.

"Okay. Go." Chris said. Alex scoffed, raising a brow.

"Excuse me?"

"Go ahead. Explain. Explain to me why you've kept this big friggin' secret from me for the last five years," Chris snapped. "I thought I'd at least let you explain yourself before I yell at you."

Alex was quiet. She couldn't get into those details. Not right now. It was a whole complicated mess that stretched out over a course of eighteen years. "I just-"

"You just what?"

"I didn't want them exposed to the media, to the public," Alex said. Lie, she wouldn't have cared either way. "Besides, you were big and famous, you still are. I didn't think you'd care." That, however was not a total lie. Chris, however, was about done with Alex for that day.

"Bullcrap. When have you ever known that to be the case? Tell me the real reason, Alex." Chris shot back, his voice slightly raised. Alex stayed quiet, trying to allow him time to calm down.

"It's complicated. You wouldn't understand." Alex said softly.

Chris ran an aggravated hand over his stubble, closing his eyes, and at that time, a gaggle of nurses ushered Chris off of the bed, wheeling Hallie out and off to surgery. "We'll talk about this later." He said. Then he, himself, left the room, leaving Alex alone with her thoughts.

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