Chapter Two- Little Defenseless Sister

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Hey guys!

Starting now I'm going to add an authors note at the end of the chapters I write. So don't forget to look for them! I will ask questions to get your input and requests for ideas if you have any. Please please please comment so I know if I'm doing a good or bad job with my story. Comments are good! Share your opinion!

[added march 4, 2015]
-I added media!
I have castes Jamie as.............
Emily Rudd
(It's cool because our names are both Emily.... Lol I'm weird)

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Chapter Two- Little Defenseless Sister

The clock strikes 2:20 and the bell rings. A giant cloud of students envelop me and I feel almost suffocated. I ram my Spanish material into my bag and hurry out of the classroom.

As I approach my locker, I notice a very bored looking Britney hovering near it. She's looking in a hand mirror and fluffing her fake blonde hair.

Thankfully, she dyes her naturally brown hair blonde. If she didn't, I'm afraid she'd resemble Kevin far too much for comfort. Now I can honestly call her a hideous green monster and mean it. Blonde really isn't her color.

Getting out of the confrontation really isn't an option. I roll my shoulders and strut to my locker. As she hears my boots clicking towards her, she looks up. She puts on her best predator face. The kind of face where she slightly closes one eye more than the other; the kind of face where she bows her head down a bit; the kind of face where her mouth makes a straight line.


"Hey Brit!" I say cheekily. "Could you move over a bit. You're in my way." I smile at her sourly.

She smiles at me sweetly. Not sarcastically, but sweetly. This won't be good. I cringe inwardly.

"Sure thing girl." She moves over just enough for me to open my locker but nothing more. "So Jamie." She lowers her voice, "I'm so sorry to hear about about your sister. I just hope you don't turn out the same way." Fake pity spills out of her green eyes.

That's another one of her and Kevin's differences: eye color.

But I'm not focusing on that right now. My blood freezes at what she just said. She did not just bring up Jen.

Breath, Jamie. Breath.

"Oh?" I question trying to both stall and make her lack some of her confidence in the statement.

"Honey," she says as sympathetically as her cold heart can muster, "you don't have to play dumb with me. Besides, everyone's talking about it anyway. Everyone knows."

My heart sinks deep into my chest. Oh Jennifer. What happened to you?

She senses my withering heart and determination and she presses forward. "Oh I wouldn't worry to much about her Jamie. I'm sure she's much happier now than she ever was here." She smiles viciously. She opens her mouth to deliver the final death blow. That's how she works. All it takes is three bitter remarks and you are down for the count.

"Brit!" I hear a deep, yet very annoyed voice call from down the hall. I look over to find Kevin giving her a blood freezing, death stare. "Stop. Just stop." She shrinks back into herself.

Although they are twins, he has always acted like the older brother. And when your older brother is truly disappointed in you, you messed up.

She turns around and slowly walks towards her bus. But she doesn't go without at least trying to hear what we have to say. Thankfully, he waits until she is out of earshot.

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