Chapter Six- To be in a Heck Home

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Chapter Six- To be in a Heck Home

"Sue!" Frankie Heck screeched as her middle child continued being her usual clumsy self on the tv. Her sigh filled the background as Sue falls to the ground leaving a roll of toilet paper barreling off in the other direction. There it leaves a trail that resembles a red carpet.

I shift in the couch and snuggle closer to my friends. We all have our pjs on. After my whole meltdown, my friends saw it fit to keep me out of school for the rest of the day and to confiscate my phone. God knows Blake will be blowing it up. He probably is right now.

We all piled back to Taylor's house because both of her parents are at work. That, and the fact that she has the best place to watch tv in comfort while having the luxury of eating lots of junk. Junk that we will definitely regret eating in the morning. Either way, her house is a given.

On the tv, Axl appears on the screen. He's only in his boxers, as usual, and he says a snarky response at Sue's latest catastrophe, as usual. Ah. To be in a Heck home.

I let myself become absorbed in the show as my mind simply stops thinking about everything else. That's the thing about my mind. Things could be terribly wrong, just as they are right now, but my brain allows me to postpone the humdrum perils of the world for mindless activities. When nothing is right, life just needs a little bit of distraction to keep away the tears.

After countless shows off of the DVR and countless laughs, eventually all of our stomachs start to growl and demand the sustaining food we have been depriving it. Stupid little monsters! We pause the program to cook up a meal.

I check the closest clock.


Have we really been snuggled up here for nearly 4 hours? Worth it.

I hear a few pots being brought out of the cabinet. I look over to see a jar of Alfredo sauce on the counter and a box of pasta being taken out of the lazy Susan.

Yum. I love fettuccine Alfredo.

Just as I am walking from my position on the couch to the kitchen, I hear a faint jingling noise and a turn of a knob. One of Taylor's parents must be home. I see a women's face peak around the corner. I look at her and a smile appears on her face.

"Hello Auntie Mary!" I coo cheerfully. Although she's not my actual aunt, I've always called and considered her my aunt since our families are so close.

"Hello Jamie." She glances the other way notices the third member of our trio. "Hello Alex." She places her coach bag on the dining room table and sits at it. She takes off her 6 inch heals and carefully places them next to the table leg. Dressed for her job in business, there she sits tired from her day at work. "I'd say girls," she begins, "being on your feet all day in these babies can really hurt your feet." She pauses briefly. "So what are you all up to today?"

Alex and Taylor share a glance while I hold Taylor's mother's stare. "Well," Alex is the one to answer, "Jamie wasn't feeling too well so we were watching The Middle to help her feel better."

Mary nods. "Alright. That's fine. As long as you make enough dinner for yourselves." She looks at the time on her phone. "I need to make a phone call. I'll be upstairs if you need me. Feel better Jamie. Everything will turn our alright in the end." She gives me a sympathetic smile before trudging up the stairs with her heals in her hand.

Taylor's mom is so chill. She seems to understand that everyone needs a moment of peace every once in a while.

So while contemplating the essential question of where Mary gets her shoes, I accompany my friends in making our delicious meal.

We boil noodles, thicken our white sauce, mix it all up and add some parsley as garnish. Our end product is a 5 star meal cooked by amateur chefs.

I begin to lift the fork of heavenly goodness into my mouth when there is a knock at the door. Taylor rolls her eyes but still gets up to answer it.

The door opens and yet slams closed as quickly as it opened. Alex and I share a confused glance as we seem to ask the same question of who is at the door.

Taylor's eyes are wide as she tried to compose herself to her regular calm demeanor. By the time she's back at the table, it is almost indistinguishable that she ever had a disquieting thought about the person showing up at the door. But I know better than to let this slide.

"Who was at the door?" I ask hoping she is going to be truthful.

She looks at Alex and then at me. "Oh, uh you know just some lost person," she lies.

At that moment, another knock sounds at the door. Taylor opens her mouth to say something but I'm already on my feet. If she wasn't going to give me answers, then I was about to answer it myself. I throw myself off the couch and head straight for the door. The girls are quick to tell me to let it go but I am quicker and I do it anyway. When I open it I immediately regret it. I am face to face with Blake. Why am I so stubborn?

His eyes are down looking at the placemat. Slowly, those dark orbs slink up my body and make it to my eyes. Concern is laced in his expression.

His mouth parts and I know he is about to say something but I cut him off. "What are you doing here?" I eye him up and down, suspiciously.

"I want to explain." He runs a hand through his hair. He seems sincere but at the same time, I don't know what to think anymore.

*** *** *** *** ***


Yo! Lookie here! It's an update! High fives all around! Lol!

Before I start talking, I just want to say that I have added media! Check it out on my other chapters because it's cool!

Another side note, I love the show the middle. It is bae and all different kinda of amazing! (And honestly that Charlie McDermott-Axl- tho)

Anyway. Here is my update. What do ya think? Tell me your feelings (if you have any) and I will be grateful. :) I appreciate any feedback just saying. So feel free to express yourself.

Stand by for the media for this chapter. I'm trying to decide who should play Jamie's friends Taylor and Alex. Any ideas? Comment!

Suggested Read:
The Teddy Bear Agreement

Question Time!

Who is your favorite character?

What do you think of Blake just showing up at Taylor's house?

Would you forgive him?

That's all folks!
Vote, comment, share, and love!

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