Chapter One- Good Old Gracie

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Hey! I still don't know what this story will be about yet. But please read! I hope it's entertaining in the very least.

This is my first story so don't be too critical! I'm not too good at writing in my opinion but hey! that's just what I think. Tell me your thoughts in comments if you decide to read. I want honesty so don't give me any lies. You can say it sucked for all I care and I'll be like "ok I'll make it better". And if you see any grammar mistakes tell me in a comment at that section! Thanks!

[added March 4, 2015]
-hey! I've added media!
Here is who I am casting as Kevin... Chase Crawford
He's bae

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Chapter One- Good Old Gracie

I stare blankly at the hideous green monster ahead of me. It's growling and snarling and whipping its tail back and forth. Then, it seems to wave it's hand in front of my face.

"Idiot, are you even listening to me?" I snap back into reality to find Britney Tucker scowling at me. She's got her hand on her hip and she's leaning on her high healed foot. Right now, she's trying to give me an intimidating look by contorting her face and mouth. Is that gum sticking out of her mouth? Gross.

"What was that darling? I was just admiring how wonderful your face looks when you try to look frightening." I smile as sweetly as I can by making my eyes wide and my mouth slide up on the edges. I imagine a halo forming on top of my head.

She narrows her eyes at me even more. If she does that any further she'll be closing her eyes. I guess she didn't like my remark. Whoops.

"Listen, Jamie." She spits out my name like its poison, "I don't need little nobodies like you trying to put me in my place. That's not how this school works." She pinches her fingers together and uses them to gesture at me.

Wow that's just sad.

I roll my eyes at her and laugh. "I'll tell you one thing, you always make me laugh. I don't have time for you. I'm going to class."

I close my locker and start to walk away when she casually spreads an arm in front of me. "Watch yourself." She glares.

I roll my eyes once again. "Thanks for the advice." She removes her hand from my space and I walk away, putting a little extra swing in my step to accent my figure.

She grunts at me and walks the other direction. Another unscathed getaway from the hideous monster. That must count for something.

As I'm turning the corner, I body slam right into someone. And if that's not embarrassing enough, I send myself spiraling to the ground and let a few papers float away. I sit there not moving for a second, blinking at what just happened. Idiot. I mentally scream at myself for being "Good old Gracie".

"I'm so sorry!" I apologize frantically. He bends down to pick up one of my papers. I look up and freeze. Oh no. It's Kevin. And he's just a foot away from me.

Kevin as in Kevin Tucker-twin brother of the infamous monster.

Kevin as in my secret crush.

But thankfully, Kevin as in the guy who's always nice to me.

Kevin as in the guy who doesn't let his sister verbally attack me when he's around.

Kevin as in the guy who sits two seats down from me in bio.

Kevin as in the guy who has the cutest lope sided smile and the soft brown hair and the shining blue eyes and the...

Focus Jamie.

"Oh hey Kevin." My heart flutters a little. "Sorry I kinda, uh, knocked into you." I smile and laugh nervously although it probably comes out as casual.

He smiles. Sigh. That smile. "It's cool. I see that you are still as graceful as ever." He laughs as he gets up and gives me a hand to help me regain my balance. "It might help not to wear those shoes tho." I glance at my feet. My favorite boots with the pretty heal. "I don't know how you girls do it." He shakes his head and starts to turn away. "See ya in bio Jamie."

I stand there biting my lip slightly. He's so cute when he walks. "Bye!" I call after him and do the idiotic little hand wave. I turn away and head to my class.

I guess I might not be as stupid as I thought. I had another normal conversation with Kevin and he still isn't running away. That's a check in my book.

I enter my next class and find a couple of my friends already starting their daily gossip. I make my way to the desk I have by my group.

"Hey girl." Alex calls to me. "You look... extra cheerful." She wrinkles her nose. Then her eyes light up mischievously. "Did you see Kevin in the hallways? Did he save you from the evil Britney?" She mocks me by extending the words "Kevin" and "evil". But I know she's just playing. There is nothing that girl can say to make me mad at her. Unless she started acting like the "evil Britney". Then we'd have a problem.

"Haha very funny," I begin. "But now that you mention it, yes. I did see Kevin." I grin stupidly.

Her eyes light up. "Tell."

"Well..." I begin, "I had just gotten away from the clutches of the monster when I rounded the corner and smacked right into him." She lets out a noise that sounds like she's groaning and laughing at the same time. "I even fell in the floor." She stares at me with her eyebrows raised as I recount the rest of the story.

"Nice James." She replies. I roll my eyes at her and smile. James is her nickname for me. She uses it when she's joking, being sarcastic, or is just too lazy to say the extra syllable.

Ms. Brooks stands at the front of the room and clears her throat. "Ok class quiet down. Please open your notebook because we are going to be taking a lot of notes today and we need to start a little early."

Alex turns to face me and sticks her fingers in the shape of a gun to her head and shots. I grab my neck subtly and pretend to choke myself. She turns to face the front and opens her notebook but draws anime instead. I turn to face the board but imagine that my knight in shining armor is fighting the hideous monster to the death. The he swoops in to give me true loves kiss.

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