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+© Chremorocks 2017

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Nothing good ever comes from public toilets.

I realized that as I felt I would suffocate from the acrid smell that filled the place. That was all I could think of.

That first and then the strange men in the stall.

As silently as possible, I drew my shirt up to my nose hoping the smell of my perfume could counter the poison in the air but it only made it worse. I assure you the smell of perfume and the smell of poop could never blend. If they did, well, it became a disaster.

I mentally hoped that whoever was going all savage with the toilet in the next stall could clog their ass or at least suck up the poop stench for the mean time.

'Did you think you could outrun us?' A voice said. It sounded masculine and rather deadly. I couldn't see who owned the voice but I could see his spiked boots as he walked round the other man who lay on the floor.

'Nah, just thought to throw you folks around a bit.' The bleeding man said with a laugh. Not sounding helpless one single bit. I knew I'd be begging for my life if I were him.

'Do I look funny to you?' The attacker said. His voice threw off much anger.

The other guy gave a side smile with cracked bloody lips. 'Yes! Y'all look like adorable little assholes!' with that comment he spat on the other man's boots and earned himself a kick on the head. Ouch!

The next moment I heard a gunshot and saw dark blood splatter on the ground. It took all I had in me as well as my wish to live, not to shriek.

It had always sounded and looked like fun in the movies, when the bullets were fired through skulls, splattering blood and ending lives, but being in the premises it happened wasn't so amazing.

I heard laughter. Obnoxious laughter. Surprisingly it came from the man who, technically, was supposed to be dead. 'Bitch, do I look like a freaking zombie to you?' He said between laughs.

He spoke again. 'I mean that whole shot in the brain trick is shit for me. Try killing me some other way. In the mean time eat my middle finger while you think.' He stuck out his middle finger and I, with wide eyes, watched confused with unbelief. The dude was signing a death wish. . .and why the fuck wasn't he DEAD?

'Alright then!'

A knife was sliced through skin and the next moment a bloody finger rolled into my stall and stopped right in front of my face, pointing at my mouth. Somehow it reminded me of the hotdog and I felt vomit crawl up my throat. I noticed the finger had an odd snake tattoo, with fangs drawn at the snakes mouth.

Two shots were fired, loudly and almost at once. My attention was drawn back to the men outside. I gasped loudly and regretted it the next minute as the men became quite. They had heard me.

'Someone is in there. Go check it out. ' The hard guy said to someone else in dark boots who walked towards the door of my stall.

His boots sounded cautiously on the floor. With each step he took, I felt my heart beat hard in my chest. They would surely kill me.

I scooted back as quietly as I could and looked around frantically. There was no place to run to. I knew no karate lesson could help me. I couldn't possibly fight them off, noting I was outnumbered and they had guns. My lighter was useless before guns.

All Hail The Psycho!☠ #watty2017Where stories live. Discover now