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gerard opened the door, his face still fixed in a smile, along with franks.

"alright sunshine, house seems good"

"didn't you just shoot someone?" i asked, a tear sliding down my face.

"no...?" frank look at gerard worriedly.

"but i heard gunshots, and..." i trailed off.

"we didn't shoot anyone" gerard opened the door for me, and i shakily stepped out the car. "you're probably just tired. we will take your stuff inside, find a bed and try to sleep"

i nodded, and slowly made way to the house. it was exactly the same since i left. i walked around the house, and i didn't see anyone. maybe gerard was right. i was just tired.

i walked into tyler's old room. i had forgot to make the bed last time i was in here, but it didn't matter. i laid under the covers and felt myself slowly go to sleep. 

captive // reader, josh dun, tyler joseph Where stories live. Discover now