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i managed to stay awake. 12:30, the time ryan promised he'd be knocking on my window. ryan said that we would make our way to ohio, which in my thoughts was dumb. tyler didn't have a car, money, or anything to be able to go to ohio. if he was even alive.

i wouldn't let myself think that. i pushed the thought away as quickly as it came to mind, and turned my attention to the window. ryan was sitting awkwardly on a tree, obviously struggling to stay up. i sighed, noticing that ryan wouldn't be able to reach the window without falling off the tree due to its progressively smaller limb size.

i walked over to the window, and ryan looked up, a smile appearing on his face. " 'kay doll, i can use a little help here" he said in a whispering tone.

looking around my room, i saw a long and sturdy looking picture. i took it off the wall, banging the edge on the frame against my arm. i let out a yelp, and i could hear ryan's "shhh" from the other side of the room.

i hastily carried the frame to the window, laying down on the window and pushing it enough that i would be able to craw across it. or so i thought.

i made it halfway on the frame when i looked up, seeing ryan's unforgiving eyes before he let go of the frame, causing me to fall. i felt excruciating pain until i only saw black, and i passed out.

(y'all this makes no fucking sense but just go with it)

captive // reader, josh dun, tyler joseph Where stories live. Discover now