Her Kindness

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Her Kindness

It was slightly raining in the morning when he gain his conscious, he slowly open his eyes and found himself on his own bed. His tired eyes scan the room that is until his eyes landed on the beautiful creature lying on the couch soundly sleeping with some kind of book clutching close to her chest. She looks so peaceful and beautiful like an angel, he sigh and close his eyes to content his overwhelming feeling of guilt.

Guilt but not regret, he felt guilty for taking her away from her family but he did not regret one bit for bringing her to his messed up life because he is a selfish beast. The moment he laid his eyes on her, he knew she is going to be his only escape from his darkness but as stubborn and egoistic man he is, he refused to accept it. But now he finally accepts it, but still for some reason he couldn't keep his guard down.

He gradually open his eyes and try to move out from his bed, but before he could move out, he feel a excruciating pain shoot on his feet reminding him that he is badly injured. He groans in pain then slowly sit up leaning his back against the headboard.

"Hey, are you okay? Here drink some water" he heard the soft voice of Annalisa, who was soundly sleeping on the couch minute ago, was now on his side looking at him with concern and worried in her eyes.

He nods his head and sigh, "I think I'm fine, it's just hurt a little, anyway what happen after I pass out?" he asked as he take a water and drink it.

"After you pass out I called Robert as you said, and he immediately came with your men to help us" she said with her soft voice and paused still feeling guilty, for she is the reason behind his injures and continue, "I'm really sorry for your injures because of me, you suffer a lot and thank you for saving my life again" she look at him with grateful as well as guilty face expecting some reaction from him, but his face look emotionless as he blankly stare at the window paying no heed to her apology.

Silence engulf them as she feel the disappointment run through her vein, minute pass and she knew if she didn't apologies properly for the damage and pain she cause him, he might never forgive her, so she again open her mouth to apologies but she was rudely cut off by him, "did media know about this accident?" his voice sound void with any emotion.

When she just nods her head and remains silence, he burst out in anger and cursed, "That fucking media, always sticking their nose where they don't belong, how they even came to know about the accident? Sometime they are such a pain in ares!"

She knew how much he value his privacy but that doesn't mean he have to go all crazy, she want to tell him that it was their job to interfere in other's life but remain quiet looking at his crazy side.

Suddenly he burst out again, "this is your entire fault!" and he glare at her.

All her previous feeling of guilt and gratefulness is long forgotten as she narrowed her eyes and said in her annoyed voice, "I said I'm sorry and this is not entire my fault!"

"Oh yeah, If you hadn't run away like a crying baby, I wouldn't be here injured and stuck on this bed" he accused her never taking his eyes off her again ignoring her apology.

His words only made her angrier, so she retort, "if you hadn't frighten me, then I wouldn't have run away"

His eyes get wide in shock but soon recovered, he never thought that she could be a fire ball when she want it to be then again he remember the saying 'never judge a book by its cover'. She got a point if he hadn't frighten her, it's all could have been prevented from happening then again what done is done, and again realization hit him, and again he said with his calm and smug voice, "well you shouldn't had roam around the place which is highly restricted for your own good"

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