Chapter 6~

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Chapter Song~ I wish you weren't the best the best I ever had I wish that the good out weighed the bad cause it cant ever be over until you tell me its over these battle scars don't look like they're fading they ain't ever going away they ain't ever going to change these battle (Battle Scars By: Guy Sebastian)

3 months Pregnant ~

Niall's P.O.V

It's been 3 months and I finally got over my morning sickness but now I'm on cravings. My cravings are always so weird but they taste amazing!! Like pickles with chocolate is so good! Oooo.... now I'm hungry!

"Harry!! Where are you?"

"I'm in the laundry room babe!"

I walk over to the laundry room and see Harry bending down to pick up a shirt that fell. And boy does his bum look sexy from where I'm standing.


"Ahh! Fuck Niall! don't do that! Yes, what's wrong?"

"I'm hungry!"

"Go make some food then."

"But I'm tireddddd...."

"If you were able to come over here to scare me. I'm pretty sure you will live to go make yourself food. I would do it Niall but I'm a little busy at the moment."

"Harryyy!!! Pleassse !!!"

"Fine! what do you want to eat?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean I don't know?"

"I mean I don't know! All I know is that me and your child are hungry!"

"Alright, I'll just make anything then."

I follow him to the kitchen and sit on the stool to watch him make me some food.

"Harry take off your shirt."


"Just do it!"

He takes off his shirt and keeps cooking. I watch as his muscles flex with every movement he makes and at this moment I wonder to myself how I could've gotten such a sexy hus- I mean boyfriend! I mean look at me then look at Harry! He is the definition of sexy and what am I?

"You are the definition of cute, adorable, hot, sexy because you are gorgeous. don't say that about yourself babe! also, don't worry you will be a Styles soon! Okay, I love you . Here is your food."

I blush a light pink.

"Wait I was talking out loud?"

"Yes you were love. So, you made me take off my shirt to stare at my muscles flex huh? Did you like what you saw?"

I blush a deep red now knowing Harry heard everything I said.

"Yes I did like everything I saw! and I love you too! "

He chuckled and just stood there watching me eat. I didn't know if I should say something or not but I decide to go with say something!

"Harry, why are you staring at me?"

"Because I can and you're beautiful."

"ahah Harry have you thought of names for the baby?"

"Yes I actually I have! I have two boy names that I want to use. But, I don't have any girl names."

"I have one boy name but I don't have any girl names either. What are the two boy names you thought of already."

"Well, I like the names Liam and Louis. I think they're cute names."

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