Chapter 21~

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Chapter Song~ Step one, you say we need to talk he walks, you say sit down it's just a talk he smiles politely back at you. you stare politely right on through some sort of to your right  as he goes left, and you stay right between the lines of fear and blame you begin to wonder why you came where did I go wrong? I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness and I would have stayed up with you all night had I known how to save a life ~ How To Save A Life By: The Fray

Niall's P.O.V

I stared at the man that caused me so much pain physically and mentally. I couldn't believe my eyes. was it really that cruel heartless man that was in jail for all these years? I didn't even worry about what he would do to me. I worried about how close he was to my baby.

"Zayn.. baby come here please." I say calmly.

I hold my arm out wanting Zayn to grab my hand and come stand next to me. But, my father grabs Zayn by the shoulders having him stop. I can see the fear in Zayn's eyes. he can see how scared I am so it's making him scared.

"Baby, don't worry..." I say wanting him to stay calm.

I look at my father with a glare.

"Let go of my son."

"Oh? this is your son? hmm.. why would you keep my grandson away from me then?"

" Because I wouldn't want a monster near my child. Now let go of my son!"

"I don't think so. no one is going to stop me from doing something to him. it looks like you're all alone. no husband? haha he left you didn't he? I'm sure he thought you were a fr-"

"Daddy!!!! Can I have some juice!!!" Louis yells running into the room.

"Oh, you have two children now? mmm.. can you imagine how much pleasure I would have?"

"Louis!!! come here baby.."

I grab Louis quickly so he doesn't get close to my father. I bend down to whisper something to Louis.

"Baby.. go get Papa. tell him I need his help right now.." I whisper.

Louis nods quickly and runs off.

"I wont let you touch my kids."

I stomp towards my father to take Zayn from him only to have him lift Zayn meters from his face as if he would kiss him. I stop in my tracks not wanting to have him touch my child anymore. I look at Zayn to see him looking panicked and scared. Zayn starts moving around trying to get out of his grip. I watch knowing I cant do anything if I step forward he will do something to Zayn. I watch as Zayn hits him in the face making him drop Zayn to the floor. I run over and pick up Zayn . I quickly back away as Zayn starts to cry from the pain. I see Harry run down the stairs with Louis  and look at me then the door. his eyes go wide and fill with anger.

"What the fuck are you doing here." he yells standing in front of me and Zayn.

I grab Louis bring him close to me so I wont lose him.

"Well, who are you? Are you the nanny or something for  this freak?"

"No! this 'freak' you are talking about is my husband. now I'm not going to ask you again. what are you fucking doing here?"

"P-papa..." a small voice says.

I snap my head to see Liam standing there with his lip trembling.

"It's okay baby.. come here .. Papa is getting rid of a bad guy. he's being a superhero.." I say .

Liam nods and quickly comes towards me. he doesn't know what's going on . he's to young to understand just like Louis. he just think his Papa is being a superhero. I keep all my children near me as I watch Harry.

"Well look at that.. you have three little baby freaks. I should've ended you when I had the chance so then there wouldn't be a group of freaks."

"Please leave. I have nothing to do with you anymore... and if you don't leave I'm sure my husband will make you leave." I say.

"But, why would I leave when I can have some fun with your kids?"

He says as he walks into the house going closer to me only to have Harry block him.

"You will not touch my kids or my husband. get the fuck out of my house before I beat the shit out of you." harry yells in his face.

Harry begins to push my father back making him stumble.










Harry says before he slams the door in his face locking it.

Harry's P.O.V

I rush back over to Niall as I see him crying. I pick up Liam and hug all of them.

"babe are you alright?"

"yeah, I'm fine.. it's just h-he grabbed Zayn and I-I was scared he would do something to him."

I kissed Niall's forehead and kissed all of my kids foreheads as well. I held them tightly as if they would disappear if I let them go.

"I love all of you.."

"we love you too.." they say.

I take all of them upstairs and we went straight to our room. we laid the boys on our bed and laid down with them.

"Daddy... can I ask you something?" Zayn ask.

Niall smiles and nods.

"Of course baby."

"Was that the evil witch that Papa saved you from? "

"Yes, baby it was.. Papa was my prince and he saved me from that evil witch." Niall says sadly.

"Will he come back and hurt us?" Zayn asks.

"No, he will never hurt you or your brothers .."

"Okay,... I love you Li-Li and Lou.." Zayn says softly still a bit scared.

"I love you too Zaynie.." They say.

Liam and Louis get up and kiss Zayn's cheek as Zayn holds them tightly. Zayn smiles and looks up at me with a wide smile.

"Thank you Papa for being our hero... I love you.." Zayn says as he kisses my cheek.

"I love you too baby... I love all of you.."

 I look at Niall and smile before leaning in and kissing him softly but passionately.

"Ewww ahaha ewww!!!" our boys whine. as they separate our faces.

They put their faces in the middle of me and Niall, to have us kiss them. I chuckle happy to have my boys and my husband. we let the boys go into the living room and play while me and Niall stayed upstairs in our bedroom laying down staring into each other eyes with so much love.

HI!! I'm so sorry!!! I haven't updated !! please don't be mad!!! I'm still testing and I've been studying!!! I know this isn't much but I hope you guys like it!! I will update soon !! I promise! again I am so sorry!!! please forgive me. Also, I AM REALLY REALLY SORRY IF THIS IS CRAP!!!~PUNK NIALLER




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