We Meet Again... (Chapter 4)

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Sorry (not sorry) for the cliffhangers, but only good stories keep readers anxious, right? Anyway, there's going to be more cliffhangers, so I'm honestly sorry if you hate the suspense. Please keep reading, and hope you enjoy!


The ringing in his ears disoriented him, but Keith shook the dizziness away as he rolled onto his hands and knees, trying to get his bearings.

The ship shuddered and emitted a loud groan, and Keith froze, purple eyes wide. He stole a glance out of the windshield, and saw chasms and abysses forming a huge and deep canyon. And the pod was teetering on a cliffside.

Keith tensed as the ship let out another loud moan. He had to get out; now.

Keith lunged at the back of the craft, slamming his fist onto a glowing button, that caused the door to release. Keith leapt out with his bag and dagger, clearing the ledge as the ship fell for a few seconds and sounded a thunderous boom as it crashed.

The ship released a large plume of smoke, basically signaling the advancing Galrans his location. Keith attempted to run, before his side flared in pain and he fell to his knees.

He looked down at the blood soaking the side of his grey t-shirt, before pressing his hand against the gash.

"Damn," Keith muttered, leaning on a rock column for support. His breathing grew ragged as he struggled to stay conscious.

He watched with a glare as the Galra cruiser flew down and landed across the plateau he had crashed on.

Keith growled as soldiers marched down the ramp and aimed their guns at him. His hand rested against the hilt of his knife. He could elongate it into a sword if he focused, but he also knew he couldn't fight with his injury.

He paused as a new figure strolled down the ramp after the sentries. Except it wasn't a new figure. He had seen him in the Weblum. He had stolen a few of the skulltrite crystals that Keith had Hunk and retrieved.

Keith was immediately on edge again as the masked stranger strolled towards him.

"Don't you take another step," Keith warned. If I can't fight, I might as well try to negotiate...

"The Red Paladin," the stranger cooed, his voice muffled behind his mask. "We meet again. Care to explain why you were in an Altean escape pod? Where's the rest of Voltron? Where's your Lion?"

"Like I'd answer to you, bastard Galra," Keith snarled, but couldn't hide a grimace as his side erupted in another wave of agony.

Keith's knees buckled, and he fell forward onto the dirt. Through the blurriness, he watched the stranger step closer, gently grabbing his hair. Keith winced.

"Tell Zarkon and Haggar immediately, and inform them that we've discovered an unexpected development that they need to see," the stranger ordered. The other voices were drowned out as Keith's body went numb and he succumbed to the darkness closing in.

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