Enemy of my Enemy... (Chapter 13)

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Hey guys! Sorry for any spelling mistakes, but here's another late night update. Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoy!


The rebels' ship shortly picked up Keith's pod and flew away. One rebel tossed his bag and knife near him before strolling to another part of the ship.

Keith stared at the floor in silence for the majority of the trip. The captain, the one that reminded Keith so much of Pidge, sat across from him, silently observing Keith.

"My men say they didn't find your Lion," he informed, obviously trying for a response from Keith. "It wasn't with the Galra, was it?"

Keith shook his head slightly. "My Lion is still with the rest of the Paladins, as far as I know. The Galra shot me down in one of our pods."

"What's a Paladin doing without his Lion? Some sort of mission?"

"Of sorts, and it's not exactly an official 'mission'," Keith replied vaguely. They knew a bit about him, but he didn't even know their names. "Can I know the names of my rescuers before trusting them enough to explain further?"

"Of course, sorry," the Captain chuckled. "The ones that were with me were Glafar, Tion, and Wyrick. I trust them with my life--"

"And you?" Keith pressed.

"Right. The name's Matt, Matt Holt--"

"Matt Holt?" Keith demanded, eyes wide. "The one from the Kerberos mission?"

Matt nodded. "I too was a Galra prisoner before these rebels freed me. I couldn't return to Earth though, not without my father."

"Shiro escaped before you," Keith noted. "Do you know where he is right now?"

"All we know is that his pod fled to Earth. I lost track of him after that. Do you know about him?" Matt countered.

"Yeah, he went to Earth. The Blue Lion took him, the others, and I to the Castle of Lions. He's the Black Paladin, leader of Voltron," Keith recalled proudly.

Matt smiled contently as the ship landed on a hidden moon. "I'd like to continue this once we're in the base," he offered.

Keith nodded and reluctantly followed. Now that he wasn't cuffed, he could better see the 'transformation' Haggar had done to him.

He really did have claws, and his arms had purple splotches all over them. He reached up and felt his furry ears.

It was then that he spotted the disgusted and hateful glares towards him. It was like he was back with Allura and the other Paladins, except more of them.

Keith looked down, his pride in the dirt again. It's my fault for leaving. If I'd stayed with the others, this wouldn't have happened...

"So, Keith, Shiro's a Paladin of Voltron?" Matt asked over his shoulder as they sat at a secluded table in the common area of the rebel base. "That doesn't surprise me."

Keith nodded, seeing more glances directed at him.

"Ignore them," Matt said, seeing Keith downcast. "They just distrust all Galra. The majority of the rebels here had their homes or families destroyed by Zarkon's Empire. That's why we're trying to stop them, much like Voltron. Keith, if you're from Earth, how come, you... you're, well--"

"Purple?" Keith finished as he pulled out his knife and stared at his reflection in it. "I'm half Galra, on my mother's side, I think. It wasn't too apparent until Haggar somehow found out and turned me into this with her magic."

"That damn druid," Matt growled. "Anyway, you called me Pidge. Why?"

"Oh, well..."

Should I tell him Pidge is his sister? Would they leave their responsibilities and go home to Earth if I did? Pidge already almost did leave to find Matt though...

"Pidge is the Green Paladin. You look a lot like her--"


Keith flinched. "Y--Yeah, Pidge is her nickname."

Matt seemed satisfied with this, and dropped it. "So, anything you care to know about us, since you've said so much about Voltron?"

"Does the rebellion consist of just you guys? Any allies?"

"None, as of now," Matt sighed. "We make small attacks, freeing small planetoids and villages, trying to drum support, but we're barely a thorn in Zarkon's side."

"After I find Shiro, I'd like you to ally with Voltron and the Blade of Marmora, a group of Galra who despise Zarkon and his power--"

"Of course, but what do you mean, find Shiro?" Matt demanded.

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