twelve punches rain down after the storm, bruising my skin at the hands of mother natureeleven tears trickle onto your lips when your bags travel through the air to land in the mud
ten shouts erupt from my bedroom, echoing across the great divide where I stand alone
nine demons plague you, only to construct a mockery out of the broken masterpiece you are
eight vicious stares pursue me through the arena, taunting me with weapons of rancor and repugnance
seven days have passed since the storm but the battle has only begun for you
six prayers are muttered in hushed voices in bathroom stalls, as I hope for a reprieve
five friends abandon you when you confess, leaving you a lonely soul at the site of your demise
four months are left until the summer solstice, the day I plan our escape from this prison
three words lull you to slumber in my arms, murmured softly in fear of awakening the oppressors
two beings fold into a lover's embrace, shielding one another from the evils lurking around them
one kiss consecrates my love for you, open for the world to see, unchained forevermore
- neeha