Hi my name is Harley and is my love life starts over it all starts in Michigan state university when my
Ex boy and my best friends and my father lets just say my love life was hell.
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Levy above I don't have much time so hi I'm Selena woods I have my father my mum died I'm a junior at Michigan state university we all are juniors that it lets start Selena description H/C-dark red and black H/L-midback Eyes-silver Age-17 S/C-olive Personality-smart,funny,kind ,friendly to anyone ,overprotective,love Watching,anime and love her friends ad very mature. Skills-great with weapons and is vice captain of the football team and captain of the Soccer team student council president. Status-she is very smart,A+student,very Rich ,taken and love to sing (they all can dance). Cloths-black mini skirt with green tight short top black socks and green converse Or black jeans with red tank short top and black boots with black jacket. Levy description H/C-black with brown H/L-lower back Eyes-brown cat eyes Age-17 S/C-olive Personality-cold hearted ,kind of mature,and overprotective but with friends kind loving a lil mature and love to dance and watch anime. Skills-great with weapons vice captain of the basketball team and captain of school president. Status-vice president for student council A+student,very rich ,taken And love dancing. Cloths-A black jeans with blue tank top and knee high socks and converse with diamond necklace.
Authors note-I am very sorry for the short chapter in chapter one it is my first time So hope u like it❤️