Chapter 47

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A/N: So I've completed a whole year of being a wattpad writer wow? Sadly I haven't been as active as when I started but I'm not done yet and ITS SUMMER:) Thank you so much for ur votes and reads and sticking around!So let's see what Jasmine has been up to:p

Jade has a point when she says I don't know her brother the way she does, but there's never been drama around him. I've never heard negative comments from the mouths of the girls I've ever heard talking about the populars. I've only ever known him as the younger brother of Jade Mathews until now.

And now I know him, I'm sure of it. He is kind and considerate and present and funny and underrated. He is not the kind of boy to play a girl's heart. He is a boy who respects boundaries. He is young but grown. He is smart and clever. I would not be surprised if Alyssa or any of Jade's other friends had tried to corrupt him, but I don't believe in him having ever given in.

I am allowed to be happy with this boy.

But then there's this little paranoid side of me that wonders if I'm blinded by what I think I know of him.

Because sometimes people only want to see the good in someone and forget to acknowledge the bad.

Hailey fell so hard for Cole, and he seemed like a good fit for her. Now it's like he never existed with his disappearance and all. He left her both emotionally and physically damaged, and by herself to pick up the pieces that shouldn't have been broken by anyone.

This part of me creates fear of going through the same things.

I want to give him my everything so why does Jade have to go and make it so hard?

Fight her Jasmine!

Believe me I'm considering it.


"You can just drop me off, you don't have to walk me." I tell Derek as we walk up to my front door.

"I think I should. There's so many parties going on right now and people get crazy. I don't want something happening to you."

Before we even get to the door, someone calls out to me.

Cue the return of yours truly, Jordan.

"Hey!Oh..hey man," he says looking at Derek.

Derek nods and scratches the back of his head.


Derek steps back as Jordan reaches for me to give me a hug.

"Um welcome back? What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming back until after New Year's?" I let my arms fall limp to my sides honestly so confused as to why he's here at this hour.

"Thanks and yah I was supposed to stay another two days but Coach got me an interview for a scholarship thing. I just went to drop off my things and came your way. I was actually hoping I could talk to you?"

I can feel that this is a hint that he wants us alone, but the only one I want to be alone with is Derek. Derek, who is currently looking lost, and maybe a little offended as to why my ex (OMG never thought I would be saying THAT) is standing in between us.

"Uh would you mind maybe if we talked later? Like tomorrow or something?" I felt my face start to turn a shade of red. I didn't want to be rude and tell him to just leave even when he went through the trouble of visiting me, but we were history. It was time for him to GO.

"I really want to talk to you right now Jasmine, please?" He gave me a persuasive smile. The kind that no longer had the same effect it used to. The one that would have had me twirling my hair and smiling back like a bimbo at whatever came out of his mouth. But, I felt kind of embarrassed in telling him no again.

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