Chapter 1 - Priscilla:

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Every morning is the same, even the conversations are the same. I wake up to Amber, my sister, arguing with my mom. She's complaining how she wants to move out. We share the same room, mostly because it takes up less space, but, when we were younger, my parents would always say it's because we're twins. We shouldn't be separated. Now, we're in college, and she doesn't want to be anywhere near me. Well, that's just what I think.
Same old, same old.
They didn't notice me waking up, probably because I didn't say anything. I've learned that I can't do anything to stop their arguing. It's alright, though. They always end up in good terms by the end of the day. This happens almost everyday, like a routine. If I think too much into it, that'd distract me from thinking what truly matters to me, like what I should wear for the day. "Today, I want to look my absolute best!" I think to myself. Everyday I want to look my absolute best, and to be fair, I do.
The only thing that varies each day is what I wear. Today, I wear a frilly white dress with black cat stockings. By now, my mom has left the room, and my sister is still sitting on her bed across the room. "Isn't that a bit too much?" Amber would ask. I would say "Its never too much if you want to look your best~!" She would snort, not noticing that she's been asking the same thing everyday, and I've given the same response to her daily.
But Amber didn't ask. ...Isn't that weird?
I go to the kitchen, brushing it off. She always seems to be in a bad mood, and I, wanting to be the polar opposite, plan on being in a good mood, like everyday. I sit on my chair, it's the head of the table. Nowadays, I don't need to tell my mom to make me breakfast, she basically reads my mind. I don't need to check, I can smell it; Eggs, golden toasted bread, 2 strips of bacon, and freshly squeezed orange juice. But, today, I smell something burnt. I look over to see my younger sister, Alianna, handling the stove. "Where's Mom?" I ask immediately. "She went out right now. She told me to make you breakfast- ouch!" She jumped at the burning sensation on her fingertips. "I-I didn't know you had a such complicated breakfast. Getting all these things at once." Alianna went over to the sink to run her fingers under cold water. "Mom seems to get it down perfectly everyday." I slouched, my breakfast will surely be messed up if she continues to cook for her. "Just... I'll stop by the cafeteria and get something myself." I got up from my seat, not wanting to eat her sister's inedible version of her breakfast. Alianna's face fell "B-but I worked really hard on the eggs!" I didn't face her "Well, you can reheat it later on for your breakfast!" Alianna was in her freshman year of high school, she didn't need to wake up this early since her classes are a bit later on. There was only silence as I gathered my things, put on my black flats, and went out. Without Mom to make me breakfast and drop me off, I hitched a ride from my friend. Carven has kinda always been there for me whenever I need a ride or something. He doesn't have the best car, but it's something. Ever since sophomore year, he's been useful to me.
The car ride there is only a few minutes away, but it would've taken much longer if I had to walk. Amber wants to move much closer to the college so it won't take that long. I was so caught up in my own thoughts I didn't notice Carven talking to me. He's saying something about school, his courses, and major. "I'm thinking about changing majors again, but that'd cost a lot more. What do you think, Priscilla?" He's asking me. "I uhhh think you should do what you want, it's your major, right?" I stammer, clearly trying to give the vaguest answer there could be. Carven shrugs "I dunno. I mean, taking engineering is cool but it's really tough to try to keep up. Maybe I should step down and just get a degree in U.S. history?" Carven was always the type to try new things but give up on them easily. I never really did anything to stop him from changing, I just encouraged him without thinking. "You shouldn't ask me, I'm not you. I don't really care anyway." I slouch towards the window. He looks heartbroken. "I-I'm sorry I'm bothering you..." he continues driving. We don't talk for the rest of the car ride.
The college looks small from the outside, but it can truly be a maze if you don't know what building you need to go to. Thankfully, I know my way around. Plus, the cafeteria is near the parking lot. I get out of the car, still not saying anything. He glances at me one last time before backing away. He has mostly late classes, giving him no reason to get out the car as well. I make my way to cafeteria, I'll just get a quick coffee. The campus always seems quiet, but inside the buildings are caffeine-induced young adults and professors. The only time where both the outside and inside are swarming with people is noon. The cafeteria seems almost empty until you see the line for Moonbucks. It's treacherous. "Ughhhhh" I sigh, and get out of the cafeteria. I'll be fine, I tell myself.
I wasn't fine. I don't remember anything from my class! What was it again..? Gah!! I can't even remember what class I was in! This morning is going terribly. At least it's over.
I go to the cafeteria again, there's more people, but at least they aren't swarming one restaurant. I see a few of my friends, Ebony, Janise, and Carla. They call for me to come over. I sit at their table. They bought me a coffee, seeing how dreadful I was feeling. "Girl, ya gotta let off some tension!! Ya know.. there's going to be a party at this guy's dorm later on. A bunch of people are going. You should go!" Ebony pleads. The other girls nod in agreement. I think it's a pretty good idea, surely I could spare a few hours at night. "There'll be cute guys there! Unless... you and that kid from high school, Carven right? Are you two dating..?" The sound of Carven and dating in the same conversation made me jump. "What? Definitely not!" I remembered the face he made in the morning. I feel worse now. The girls didn't hold back. "You've been hanging around him everyday! We all saw you get out of his car in the morning through the window~ Just admit it!!" All I heard was blabbering. "I don't like him, alright! Carven's not my type at all and he isn't even good looking! You guys are so childish!" I interrupted without thinking. That would stop the chit chat, but it also caught the cafeteria's attention. I was almost standing on my chair, everyone's eyes on me. My face went red and I sat back down immediately. The girls stared at me, their faces were full of worry. The cafeteria went silent, but it gradually went back to its original volume. God, it feels like high school all over again.
The coffee didn't help at all.
The girls apologized on their way out, still offering me to go to the party. It was noon, and the campus was buzzing with activity. I had another class, it was sociology. I guess it's ok, but all we learn is how and why people do the things they do, like how they present theirselves to the world. I can't help but relate to what the professor is saying, but I hate it. Makes me question... stop thinking! Gah, I'd end up like Amber if I keep thinking about these things. It should flow out naturally.
My mom picks me up afterwards. It's silent on the way home. "Where were you this morning?" I ask her, with a bit of annoyance. "I was... getting groceries. I-I'm sorry, Priscilla." She kept staring at the road, with a hint of sorrow inside her eyes. I could've asked her what's wrong. "My morning was ruined because of you! I couldn't remember anything in my first class because I was so tired and hungry!" I complained instead. I crossed my hands and didn't face her. "There's a party this night. The least you can do is let me go to it." I saw with the corner of my eye that what I said clicked something in her head. I wouldn't learn until later what it was. "I uh... ok. You can go to your party. Just... be back home before 12, ok?" She said, almost a whisper. I nodded. We stayed quiet until we reached the house.
Alianna greeted us by opening the door for me. I grabbed a sandwich on the countertop and went to my room. Amber was on her laptop, she had to do an assignment for one of her classes. "I'm going to this party later, wanna come with?" I asked as I sat down with my phone. "Don't know and don't care." Her eyes were still fixed on the computer. I frowned. "You're such a Debby Downer, Amber. Have some fun one in a while." Nothing could budge her, just a few hours ago I thought I couldn't do anything to change the routine. Now everything's all over the place. "I have this assignment due by the end of today. So shut up and look pretty or whatever." She said, agitated. I gasped at her hurtful comment. "Geez! I just want to help, Amber!" "If you want to help me pass me the laptop charger, it's about to die." She was getting annoyed. "No. You're going to go out and have fun!" I stood my ground. Why does she have to be so stubborn? "You're just inviting me so you can catch attention for being my twin. I don't want to participate in your attempts to get attention. Now hand me the charger damnit." She stared up from her screen at me. I could see she was serious, and angry. "Amber! Stop being so selfish!" We were yelling at each other by now. "Im being selfish?!?! Says the one who completely ignored what I said about you getting attention!! You just don't want to accept it, huh?!" She stood up to face me.
"You don't like admitting to a lot of things! You can't accept that you want to be the center of attention all the time! You don't want to admit that you hate change! You just want everything to be perfect, how you want to see the world! I saw you discourage Alianna this morning. Do you have an ounce of sympathy for anyone?!" Amber yelled. I suddenly remember Alianna's face, so heartbroken, and Carven's face, Mom's face, and the girls' faces. ...What the hell was I thinking?
Oh right
I wasn't thinking at all.
We were staring at eachother. I feel my eyes fill with tears. I wipe them away. When I look up again, she's leaving the room with her laptop and charger. I just watch her go. I want to stop her, but I can't move.
My phone vibrates. It's a text from Janise. "ill txt u the dorm number ^^" Room 561, Dorm C. I know where it is. "remember to bring something nice" I better change. I put on a short red, frilly dress with white stockings. I realize I have a lot of frilly dresses and stockings. To try something new, I put a bit of my hair up with a ribbon, and let the rest of the hair flow down. "Should I put on lipstick?" I say to myself. I scoff at myself "Tsk. I already look beautiful~." I suddenly remember what happened only a few minutes ago. Am I truly selfish? Is Amber right about that..? I shake my head. I'm not going to worry right now. I'm going to have fun tonight. My phone vibrates. It's Carla. "I'm outside! Cmon! You know the address right?" "Crap, I better get going!" I put on my shoe-boot things and grab a the nearest sweater near the door. I leave the house without saying anything, but I slam the door to make sure Mom knows I'm going out. Carla is there with Ebony and Janise in their car. I take a deep breath. I'm going to have fun tonight. I open the door to the back seat and we ride off to the dorms.

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